News from Representative Allred

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October 7, 2020

Dear John,

I have made it my priority to work across the aisle with my colleagues to deliver real results for North Texans. Whether it’s working on behalf of our veterans to open the new Garland VA, passing a new trade deal with Mexico, or coming together in a bipartisan way to discuss issues that matter to the American people -- I will always take a common-sense approach and work with anyone, regardless of party, to help North Texans. 

Recently, because of my bipartisan work and commitment to working with my colleagues, the Common Ground Committee named me a Common Ground “Champion."


Since entering Congress, I’ve made bipartisanship a goal. About 70% of all the bills I have cosponsored are bipartisan. I’ve joined my Republican colleagues to support bills on childcare and invest in our transportation. I even traveled to my colleague Republican Congressman Anthony Gonzalez’s district in Ohio for a bipartisan town hall last year.

And this year, I was honored to receive the Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, who also gave me a 95% rating for my bipartisan work in Congress, including working to pass the USMCA trade agreement.

I know that in order to deliver real results for North Texans, we have to work together. That’s why I will always put partisan politics aside, and as we face one of the biggest health crises our country has ever seen, I will continue to work with all of my colleagues to deliver relief to North Texas. 

For coronavirus information and resources on federal assistance as it relates to the pandemic, please visit or give my Richardson office a call at (972) 972-7949 with any questions.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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