OCTOBER 7, 2020
Kuttner on TAP
The Ballad of Donald Trump
(With apologies to Joe Hill)

I dreamed I saw Don Trump last night
Alive as you and me
Says I, but Don, you’re ten days dead
I never died, says he
I never died, says he.

While all you punks were using masks
I was mask-less in my bed
Infecting all the others
Says Don, but I ain’t dead.
Says Don, but I ain’t dead.

The virus got you, stopped you cold
It cut you down, says I
That’s just fake news, a dirty lie
Says Don, I didn’t die
Says Don, I didn’t die.

I showed the world to feel no fear
I showed them with my eyes
You’re wrong, says I
Once you were gone
Folks went on to sanitize.

From San Diego up to Maine
Where broken hearts can’t pump
Where millions suffer, loved ones die
It’s there you’ll find Don Trump
The legacy of Trump.

I dreamed I saw Don Trump last night
Alive as you and me
Says I, but Don, you’re ten days dead
I never died, says he
I never died, says he.

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