
This morning, The San Antonio News-Express published a column where they do their best to cover for Gina Jones. While the story they tell is an admirable work of political spin, it cannot alter the facts: Gina Jones does not own property in the state of Texas and lives at her mother's house solely to run for Congress.

Here are the facts:

  • Gina Jones does not own property in Texas and does not pay property taxes in Texas.
  • Gina Jones owns property in Washington, DC, Virginia and North Carolina.
  • Gina Jones told The Texas Tribune in August 2018 that she returned home to Texas to run for Congress.
  • The Huffington Post reported on January 5, 2018 that Gina Jones moved back to San Antonio in June 2017.
  • Out In SA reported on August 15, 2017 that Gina Jones moved back into her mother’s home in the San Antonio suburbs.

Gina Jones does not want voters to know where she lives or where her loyalty lies. A dark-money far-left group is paying her to run for Congress. She enthusiastically supports their extreme agenda, including taxpayer-funded abortions on demand, the Green New Deal, closing Texas military bases, and socialized medicine.

“Gina Jones doesn’t live in this district and this district deserves more than a virtual representative,” said Gonzales campaign spokesman Matt Mackowiak. “Search Gina’s social media since March. You will find only a handful of times when she has been in CD-23. Her only events are ‘virtual’ townhalls, where questions are screened. She refuses to travel to El Paso for an in-person televised debate. Tomorrow night, after weeks of dodging debates and hiding from voters, Gina Jones will finally get on the debate stage and be forced to defend her radical views and residency scandal. We look forward to holding her accountable to the facts.”



Paid for by Tony Gonzales for Congress