Dear John,
Wild animals sold in commercial wildlife markets endure extreme stress and unsanitary conditions before being slaughtered. Live markets concentrate a diversity of animals into small spaces, packing and stacking them on top of one another, creating a breeding ground for deadly pathogens. The Preventing Future Pandemics Act (S. 4749/H.R. 8433) aims to shut down these dangerous and cruel markets.
Please urge your federal legislators to co-sponsor the Preventing Future Pandemics Act today.
The bill would work to shut down commercial wildlife markets and associated wildlife trade by prohibiting the import, export, and sale of live wild animals for human consumption in the United States and funding programs to phase out the demand for wildlife as a food source.
As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, our continued exploitation of animals and our environment is likely fueling the next pandemic. Shutting down commercial wildlife markets — and the international wildlife trade — is critical both to reducing the risk of novel zoonotic disease and animal suffering.