Join us at 7pm ET for a Facebook Live conversation with movement organizers, drawing out the links between militarized policing, immigration, & the climate crisis — and solutions that can win real safety for all of us.



For the past five weeks, we’ve paired up with our partners at United We Dream to help break down the ways that militarism and growing state violence are shaping the world around us.

Week by week from our social media platforms, we’ve unpacked how militarism, policing, immigration, and the climate crisis are interconnected.

Today, check out our last set of #DefundMilitarism graphics, and share these resources in your networks on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

To tie the whole series together this week, we're kicking off a conversation on repairing harm, with organizers who are doing the transformative work on the ground.

Join us tonight at 7pm EST on Facebook Live for a timely cross-movement conversation about demilitarization and community investment.

We’ve put together a fantastic lineup of panelists working at this intersection of militarism and state violence, immigration, and climate change:

  • Juliana Macedo do Nascimento, United We Dream

  • Lorah Steichen, National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies

  • Haddy Gassama, UndocuBlack Network

  • Sidney Miralao, Dissenters

  • Angel Ulloa, Sunrise Movement, El Paso

  • Cynthia Pompa, ACLU of Texas Border Rights Center

Don’t miss this lively conversation, live on Facebook, tonight at 7pm EST. 

We hope to see you there!

In solidarity,

Lorah, Ashik, Lindsay, and the NPP team at IPS

For the past month, we teamed up with United We Dream to draw out how militarized policing, immigration, & climate crisis are connected.

Browse & share our graphics on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram!

Defund Militarism, Invest in Communities
P.S. NPP runs on readers like you.
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National Priorities Project
351 Pleasant Street, Suite B #442, Northampton, MA 01060, United States
[email protected] |
NPP is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies.
