Checking in. I hope you saw that we released our first TV ad yesterday. The response has already been incredible. That’s why I wanted to personally reach out to see if you can help me expand our buy immediately. We will be wiring funds hopefully by the end of day.

Here’s the link:



Begin forwarded message:

BREAKING: Qasim Rashid has released his first television ad titled “It’s Time.” His ad will be hitting airwaves all across Virginia Congressional District 1 starting today!

You can get a sneak peek here.


Qasim’s ad couldn’t come at a better time. Polling shows that VA-1 is ready for change. Folks are tired of the status quo politics that haven’t served their hardworking families. The data shows that THIS ad buy could make the difference in making that change a reality.

That’s why Qasim is counting on you to help him have the biggest reach possible. You can do that with a donation of $25 (or more) TODAY. Donate here.


We’re excited to introduce Qasim to First District voters from Manassas to Montross and meet them where they are with this new ad. Qasim’s story is quintessentially American and we know it will connect with folks all over the district.

Help Qasim expand his reach by donating here.


Qasim Rashid is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated his life to supporting women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and to serving children from vulnerable communities. Qasim is running to transform his advocacy into results for the working families of Virginia’s 1st District.

Qasim aspires for a campaign built on transparency and trust, and is putting in the work to connect with voters districtwide. Together, you and Qasim, can make Virginia an even better place to call home.
Contribute now.



Paid for and authorized by Rashid for VA

Rashid for VA
PO BOX 489
United States