Dear Partners, 

We invite you to join us for two upcoming webinars this month. The first webinar, Messaging Frames that Move the Needle, will be held on Wednesday, October 14 at 3:00 pm ET, and is part of our election outlook series.

No matter the outcomes, we know that the 2020 elections –state and federal– will have significant implications for health and health care. On this C3 webinar, hosted by Families USA and Westen Strategies, you will learn how to discuss big, bold health reforms in ways that will resonate with policymakers, the public, advocates, and stakeholders of all backgrounds and political parties as we prepare for 2021. 
Register for "Messaging Frames that Move the Needle"
The second webinar, Combating Health Disparities through Equitable Development, will be held on Thursday, October 22 at 2:00 pm ET

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed even more deeply the health inequities that impact our communities. These disparities are profoundly influenced by legacies of segregation and disinvestment that fueled inequities in opportunity, health, and well-being even before the COVID-19 crisis. During this webinar, speakers will discuss what the community development industry's role is in our current moment, and how advocates for health and economic justice can better collaborate to address shared goals. 
Register for "Combating Health Disparities through Equitable Development"
We hope you will be able to join us for these informative discussions!

To your health,

Raven Gomez
Partnerships Coordinator 
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