
Tonight is the first Vice Presidential debate of the election, and you can bet Mike Pence is very nervous as he gets ready to square off against Senator Kamala Harris.

The stakes of this election couldn’t be higher. Just when we thought Trump couldn’t sink any lower, he announced yesterday that he ended all negotiations on the COVID-19 economic relief bill. And Pence went right along with him, just like he always does.

Tonight, Senator Kamala Harris will have a chance to stand up and fight back on behalf of all of us. And we couldn’t be more excited to watch her take Mike Pence to task.

When Senator Harris provided the keynote address for our 2020 Humphrey-Mondale Dinner last week, she stressed how important it is for us to hold the line on November 3 and keep Minnesota blue.

John, let’s show her that we heard her loud and clear. Help us hit our 500 individual contributions goal before midnight to prove that we are fired up and ready to do what it takes to win.

Be counted and show Kamala Harris that you have her back before she takes the debate stage tonight. If you can, chip in $15, $25, or $50 -- or however much works for you -- before MIDNIGHT.

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DFL Victory Club

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Your monthly recurring donation will help us defend our Minnesota House DFL Majority, take back the Minnesota Senate, re-elect Senator Tina Smith, flip Republican Congressional seats from red to blue, stop Trumpism at the door, and keep Minnesota blue in November. DFL Victory Club Members will also receive special updates and offers from our party headquarters.