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(Apologies for the delay today. This was due to maintenace work on our systems).
A damning report from the independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), published on Tuesday, said the C of E's culture of deference and "clericalism" meant it was a place where abusers could hide.
Plans to ban anti-abortion protests outside a clinic in Fallowfield have moved a step closer after the city council agreed to introduce a 'buffer zone' around the premises.
The French government plans to introduce jail terms and fines for doctors who provide controversial so-called "virginity certificates" for traditional religious marriages.
An Australian man who accused Cardinal George Pell of sexually abusing him denied Monday he was bribed for his testimony, shooting down the latest conspiracy theory to roil the Vatican amid a corruption investigation into its shady finances.
These women, who comprise about 16% of India's female population, face a "triple burden" of gender bias, caste discrimination and economic deprivation.
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