
My second debate with Cory Gardner just aired on TV, and I have one thing to say: It has never been more clear that we must win this race and flip this seat.

For too long, Cory Gardner has ignored the very people he was elected to serve and sided with right-wing special interests and corporate mega-donors instead. His cowardly silence on the Trump/McConnell agenda has threatened millions of lives.

And perhaps worst of all, he had the audacity to stand in front of Coloradans and blatantly lie about his record during the debate.

Cory Gardner will not protect health care for people with pre-existing conditions, he will not protect our environment, he will not stand up for Coloradans. He has proven that to us over and over — it is time for him to go.

If you’re as fired up as I am to flip this seat, take back the Senate for Democrats, and get our government working again, then chip in $10 now to help us do it.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Republicans have been hammering us with attacks, and we know that will only intensify as we get closer to Election Day. So please, chip in what you can to help us overcome the GOP machine and win this competitive race.

Thank you,
