
Following up from my email from Saturday about the new massive gas tax hike being planned, I’m sitting here watching this all unfold and I’m asking YOU to "Put me in the game, coach!"

You and I both know I need to be the national voice to lead the opposition to this gas tax hike! Can you imagine the momentum our movement will have as we fight to roll back the CA gas/car tax hikes while I’m also on national TV arguing against a national gas tax hike?

Help me get in the game, coach! We need to fully fund this campaign ASAP. Can you contribute anything today to keep us on pace?


Carl DeMaio

PS: You know no one in the Republican Party in Congress knows more about the abuse in the gas tax funds than I do and no one has the guts to take on the special interests (government unions) to fight these unfair tax hikes. I’m ready to do it - but I need your help to get there. Contribute whatever you can here