
Before Kamala Harris takes the stage tomorrow night for the VP debate against Mike Pence, we’re hoping you’ll take a minute to make a split contribution between Serve America and the Biden-Harris ticket.

Use this link to make a split contribution here.

When the news broke about President Trump’s positive COVID-19 test, Joe Biden put out a statement wishing him a speedy recovery and pulled all his negative ads against Trump -- which is not a small gesture this close to Election Day.

Despite the news that during the presidential debate Trump used a strategy from Chris Christie to take advantage of Biden’s stutter and try to make him lose his train of thought by consistently interrupting him, Biden has exemplified decency, kindness, and humanity.

The Biden-Harris ticket offers stability and compassion. It represents a path out of the mess we’re in. And most importantly, they remind us that during this time of great division and strife, we can move forward together as Americans and get through this, with empathy and unity.

We’re working with urgency to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris but we need your help -- please make a split contribution today between the Biden-Harris ticket and Serve America.

Thank you for whatever you can do,

Serve America

P.S. News broke this morning that Biden is leading in a national poll against Trump by a whopping 16 points. The momentum is exciting but we can’t get complacent. Please rush a split contribution here if you can.