From CatholicVote <[email protected]>
Subject the truth about Kamala
Date October 6, 2020 9:49 PM
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Dear CV Friend,

Ready for another debate?

Tomorrow it will be Vice President Mike Pence vs. Senator Kamala

HERE'S THE THING: Given the events of the past week, and the age
of Joe Biden -- this veep debate matters more than usual. The
old adage rings more true this year than ever: one heartbeat away
from the highest office in the land...

And that means Catholic voters MUST know the truth about Kamala

Watch our new video: Kamala Harris Exposed!
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You may remember Kamala Harris as the "ringleader" of the
Kavanaugh circus, where she berated then-Judge Kavanaugh with a
barrage of gotcha questions that turned out to be groundless.
She announced she believed Christine Blasey Ford before she ever
questioned Kavanaugh, and continued to slander the judge despite
an additional FBI investigation and zero evidence.

Many Catholics are also familiar with her nasty questioning of
Catholic judicial nominee Brian Buescher. Harris suggested that
his membership in the Knights of Columbus should have
disqualified him from serving on the federal bench.

In sum, for Kamala Harris, if you are a faithful Catholic you
cannot serve!

But Kamala Harris's tenure as attorney general of California
exposed perhaps her darkest power-grab of all.

That's why we asked David Daleiden to tell his story.
WATCH: [link removed]

Many of you are familiar with David's story. He spent several
years working undercover to expose the horrifying hidden market
that buys and sells the body parts of children who are aborted.
It's sick, it's evil, and it's against federal law.

You would think that law enforcement agencies would want to
investigate credible allegations of illegal trafficking in fetal
body parts.

But not if the top law enforcement official in California is
Kamala Harris!

Instead of investigating the perpetrators, she sent California
Department of Justice agents to raid ... David Daleiden's

That's right.... Kamala Harris, at the suggestion of Planned
Parenthood's attorneys, sent agents to capture the tapes, files,
and computers of David Daleiden.

Watch our five-minute exposé on this here.

Catholics deserve to know the truth.

Please watch and share our latest video.
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P.‌O. Box 259‌837 | Madi‌son, WI 53725 | (312) 201-6559

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