This November will set the stage for what is possible in the next
legislative session. I'm not talking about the presidential election,
but ballot measures here in Massachusetts.
In collaboration with Act on Mass, 350 Mass activists collected
thousands of signatures to get two district-by-district questions
urging representatives to vote in favor of 100% renewable
energy and transparency of committee votes
in 19 and 16 districts, respectively. I will be continually updating
this digital toolkit with resources you can
use to promote our ballot questions.
350 Mass will be hosting a webinar discussing these ballot measures on
October 19th, from 7-8:30pm, featuring a panel of experts including
350 Mass' own Cabell Eames and Ben
Thompson, co-founders of Act on Mass Matt
Miller and Erika Uyterhoeven (who is also
the Democratic candidate for the 27th Middlesex), and board member of
the MA ranked-choice voting "Yes on 2" campaign Jim
Henderson. You can
RSVP for this webinar here, and learn more about why
these ballot measures are so crucial to moving climate legislation
forward here.
If you want to learn more about how we can use digital tools to
organize while much of our work is confined to cyberspace, or you're
just hungry for another webinar, I will be hosting a "Digital
Organizing 101" webinar for the 350 National Network this
Saturday, 10/10, at 2pm EST, which you can register for here. I look forward to seeing
some familiar faces in the crowd.
Sam Payne
350 Mass Digital Organizer & Communications Specialist
Burma-Shave Climate Standouts Continue
350 Mass
members and friends are undertaking a series of COVID-safe standouts
to help boost public attention to the climate crisis. Taking
inspiration from the roadside advertisements for Burma-Shave in the
1930s, teams of volunteers are standing on busy commuter routes, each
member holding one of a series of signs that, combined, spell out a
message. Activists hope that their visibility will cause people to pay
more attention to the climate omnibus bill currently in committee. To
learn more and take part, join 350 Mass' direct action wing, Climate Courage.
Click here for more background and for model scripts
you can use for calling or emailing your Rep and Senator about the pending climate
Other 350 Mass News
Emergency Paid Sick Time Moving: The 350 Mass Solidarity
Working Group is taking on Raise Up Mass' Emergency Paid Sick Time campaign. The
EPST legislation is currently with the Ways and Means Committee, so
now is the time to push to make sure that it's favorably voted out
before the end of the session. If your node is interested in an
in-district meeting with your legislator, writing a letter to the
editor, or supporting the campaign in other ways, contact [email protected] or [email protected].
Tell Legislators to Invest In Our Recovery: It's time
to put the people first. 70+ percent of Massachusetts
voters agree: We must invest in our public services that improve
public health, grow our economy, and reduce racial inequalities.
Rather than implement state budget cuts that would worsen the effects
of the economic downturn and harm our recovery, legislators must raise
new revenue from profitable corporations and their shareholders! Learn more here.
Write a Letter to the Editor: There's never been a
better time to take part in 350 Mass' Letters to the Editor (LTE)
team. Want to join? Email Alan Palm, Director of Organizing, at [email protected]
to find out more. Our members have a great success rate in getting
letters published! Read 350 Mass member Craig Thompson's letter in the
Lowell Sun: The real wildfire story isn't the climate tale you've been
told Fred Hewett's letter in Sentinel & Enterprise: Re:‘The real wildfire story isn’t the climate tale you’ve
been told’ by Joe Bastardi, Joan Pendleton's piece in the Lowell
Sun: If you want four more years of mayhem, vote for Trump,
Lauren Stevens piece in the Berkshire Eagle: Grappling with plastic, and Donna Southwell's letter
in the Boston Globe: Candidates — and voters — should make climate a
Other Climate Movement News
the Money Pipeline: Wall Street must stop funding
environmental racism and the climate crisis. They must immediately
stop lending, insuring, and investing in the tar sand expansion and
phase out all tar sands business. This past Friday, some of our
members joined a Stop the Money Pipeline protest at Liberty Mutual in
solidarity with Indigenous Leaders (pictures above). As one of the
largest insurers of fossil fuel facilities, Liberty Mutual has
directly contributed to the environmental conditions that foster
wildfires like Tubbs. Our allies at the Rainforest Action Network have
created an easy-to-use form for activists to call Liberty Mutual and
demand they insure our future.
MIT Enviro Solutions Initiative Event—Vanishing Amazon:
The Amazon rainforest, one of the planet's most important
xxxxxxs against climate change, is disappearing at an alarming rate.
Join Latin American policy experts and scientists for a discussion
about how biodiversity can become a source of wealth and growth for
vulnerable communities living at the margins of this ecosystem through
policies that combine conservation with environmental and economic
justice. Learn more and register here. Wed, Oct 14, 12:30-2
Solidarity Opportunities
TODAY—Defending the Election and Our
Democracy: Join a one-evening mini-conference that will help
you provide support for a free and fair election and respond to a
potentially disputed election result. Speakers include community
leaders working to get out the vote, experts in combating voter
suppression, leaders of the movement to defend postal services, and
nonviolent trainers and movement leaders preparing for protests to
defend the election outcome if needed. Learn more and register here.
Tue, Oct 6, 7-9 pm.
Sinking Columbus—Boston Marches for Indigenous Peoples Day:
Join a rally and march to demand that the city
of Boston honor Indigenous Peoples Day and commit to not returning the
Columbus statue to Boston's waterfront. Mayor Walsh and Boston City
Council need to stop erasing Indigenous people in the city and need to
step up to address these and other Indigenous issues. See the Facebook event. Sat, Oct 10, noon-3 pm, Park Street MBTA Station,
Street Level by Boston Common.
Dismantling White Supremacy (DWS) Film Series: This
series is launching its fourth season with The Condor and the
Eagle, a film about a trans-continental journey by four
Indigenous leaders to deepen the meaning of "climate justice".
The film will be made available to registrants for viewing from
October 9-16. A panel discussion with audience participation will
occur Fri, Oct 16, 7-9 pm on Zoom. See the Facebook event and register here. Links to both the film and the Zoom
panel discussion will be emailed to registrants in advance.
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About Better
Future Project and 350 Mass