There are exactly four weeks left in this election and people are already voting in most states. That’s just four weeks to mobilize voters across the country to defeat Donald Trump, flip the Senate, and elect progressives up and down the ticket.
Will you join DFA members in texting voters in key battleground states this week? We have already contacted over 1 million voters through our Text Out the Vote program, but we need to contact even more voters with just four weeks to go >>
If you can’t text voters with us this week, that’s ok. Would you consider pitching in to help cover the cost of our Text Out the Vote program? It costs DFA about $7,500 for every 500,000 voters we reach by text message:
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Everything is on the line in these final four weeks.
If we want to make real progress on the big issues, like delivering health care to everyone, fighting climate change, and getting this pandemic under control, we need to mobilize an overwhelming number of people to vote in this election.
That’s why DFA’s Text Out the Vote program is focused on contacting newly-registered and infrequent voters to make sure they are ready to vote this year.
Will you join us?
Sign up today to Text Out the Vote with Democracy for America this week >>
Talking to voters directly is one of the best ways you can make a difference in this election and feel better about our future. I hope you’ll join us.
— Charles
Charles Chamberlain, Chair
Democracy for America