In order to accurately track revenue and manage cash flow, it's critical for organizations to make sure that every gift that is entered into EveryAction is also recorded in their General Ledger. These two systems need to reflect the same number when reporting total dollars raised for each month, quarter, and fiscal year.
EveryAction offers a flexible solution that allows you to follow best practices for entering (and adjusting) gifts, avoid double data entry, and make reconciliation a breeze each month.
Join us this Wednesday, October 7th at 3:30pm ET for our General Ledger Feature Workshop.
In this webinar, we will cover best practices for integrating data between EveryAction and your General Ledger, including...
Setting up ways to track General Ledger codes in EveryAction
Best practices for entering and adjusting gifts
How to export data for entry into the General Ledger of your choice (and which gifts have been posted)
Clients who successfully set up our recommended workflows report being able to reconcile their data "to the penny." Join us to learn how you can be one of them.
Sign up now.