Dear John,
2017 and 2018 were the deadliest years of gun violence on record. Thousands of lives are being lost as Donald Trump and his allies stand by, doing nothing to curb the tragic epidemic of gun violence plaguing our nation.
We are NOT safe in Donald Trump’s America. Our new video shows the consequence of Trump’s indifference to the violence escalating under his watch.
Please share this video so more people will cast a vote AGAINST gun violence this November. We need your help to safeguard our nation against a second term of the Trump administration.
We are working to help endorse and elect gun violence prevention champions in these next crucial weeks.
Please make a gift to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence to ensure that candidates who believe in stronger, better gun laws will win this November.
Please join CSGV in the fight for a safer America!
Josh Horwitz
Executive Director
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence