Large slaughterhouses can kill a staggering 1,106 pigs per hour. But to the largest meat companies, that’s just not enough. Bending to the will of these powerful corporations and turning a blind eye to animal cruelty, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) last year issued a rule allowing pig slaughterhouses to kill even more pigs more quickly, while slashing the number of government inspectors overseeing slaughter operations — exposing millions of pigs to increased suffering.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund has filed a lawsuit against the USDA to stop this rule, but we need the strength of our supporters behind us if we are to win justice for these defenseless animals. Please support our fight to stop animal abuse with your MATCHED gift today. |
Pigs don’t deserve to suffer — no animal does. But as slaughter line speeds increase, workers struggle to keep pace — meaning some pigs are still conscious and alive as they enter the scalding tank.
At one of the plants that piloted the increased slaughter speeds (where pigs are killed for Hormel Foods products), an undercover investigation documented horrific abuse — including pigs who were illegally dragged, kicked, beaten, and excessively shocked with electric prods. |
This new rule also threatens consumer and worker safety and poses serious environmental risks — not to mention that it violated federal law. The USDA failed to conduct any environmental review for an action that will result in about 11.5 million more pigs being killed annually. The factory farming and slaughter industry requires more oversight, not less. We’re committed to fighting the high-speed pig slaughter rule in court — and your gift today can go twice as far to ensure we succeed.
Please help protect millions of pigs and other animals from high-speed slaughter and suffering. Your first gift to support this and all our efforts will be doubled, up to $100,000 today. |
For the animals,
Kelsey Eberly
Senior Staff Attorney
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533