We need leaders in Washington willing to take bold action on climate change.

Large swaths of our country are burning, and people are calling out for change.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve witnessed a wildfire season like never before, exacerbated by climate change. Countless communities across California, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado were forced to evacuate. Even more were flooded with smoke, creating hazardous conditions for people to even leave their homes. Otherworldly photos of orange, smokey skies have gone viral all over the internet.

It’s become clearer than ever before: we need bold action to stop the catastrophe of climate change from getting worse. The price of failure is further loss of our communities and worse, further loss of life.

We have the ability to take action to address climate change, forge a pathway to 100% renewable energy, and create millions of green jobs along the way. But the problem is, as long as Mitch McConnell and the GOP hold control over the Senate, we’ll never see a vote on this desperately-needed legislation.

Not only has the Senate refused to take climate action seriously, but this presidential administration has actively rolled back hundreds of environmental protections on the books over the past four years. We’re talking basic protections for clean air and water, ripped away just to save big polluters a few bucks. Not to mention a president who denies the science and refuses to admit that climate change exists.

Failure to act on climate change is not only an immeasurable environmental and economic problem, but a racial justice issue too. Already, communities of color face the brunt of pollution and environmental racism, and they’re most at risk to the worsening damage of extreme weather, rising ocean levels, deadly air pollution, and other impacts of climate change.

Time is running out. In 2019, scientists said we had twelve years left to make a serious dent on greenhouse gas emissions in order to stop the worst possible scenario, and that was already one year ago.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the world we live in and depend on is on the line in this election more than ever before in American history.

We simply won’t be able to pass bold action on climate change like the Green New Deal and restore bedrock environmental protections unless we take back the Senate this November and elect more progressive Democrats.

So, that’s why I’m asking: if and only if you’re able, will you make a contribution of $10 or more today to support our people-powered campaign? The fate of our planet truly depends on the outcome of this election, and I’m doing everything I can to not only win my re-election, but help Democrats up and down the ballot across the country win too.

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To act on climate change, we absolutely must flip the Senate this November. While the alarm bells are ringing, I know in my heart that if we come together now, we can do what it takes to succeed and stop the climate crisis from reaching a point of no return.

— Cory