Did you see Senator Cornyn’s email? Did you see that we’re being OUTRAISED?
That’s right – MJ Hegar is currently experiencing an influx of cash.....
Did you see Senator Cornyn’s email? Did you see that we’re being OUTRAISED?
That’s right – MJ Hegar is currently experiencing an influx of cash from her
radical liberal base. They’re fired up to FLIP Texas… TAKE the Senate majority…
and PACK the Supreme Court.
Texas needs you now more than ever, friend. We have a lot of work to do if
we’re going to catch up. We need your support NOW!
See for yourself:
Activate 2X Match: $200
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Activate 2X Match: $150
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Activate 2X Match: $100
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Activate 2X Match: $50
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Friend, this is serious.
We can’t let MJ continue to outraise us… we need to keep Schumer’s puppet OUT
of the U.S. Senate.
Senator Cornyn is counting on YOU to help us catch up – will you make an
express-rushed, 2X-matched donation immediately to help keep Texas RED?
John Jackson
-----Forwarded Message Below-----
I have bad news – I hate to admit it, but my liberal opponent is surging.
She’s been raising money hand over fist as Chuck Schumer and the Hollywood
elite pump her coffers full of cash.
It’s been a very concerning past few weeks, friend…
FIRST, the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg energized MJ’s ultra-liberal base.
They forked over big money… assuming that she’d support their radical COURT
PACKING agenda and liberal, activist judges.
THEN, MJ announced that she had a MASSIVE quarter… raising over $13 MILLION.
NOW, she’s spending her huge influx of cash… and she’s spending it big. She
even OUTSPENT my campaign by a margin of 2:1.
This is serious, friend. If we don’t reverse course RIGHT NOW, we will
essentially hand MJ a victory. I need YOU to help immediately.
I am counting on you to make an immediate donation to help us catch up. I’ll
even personally assure that it is RUSHED to make the biggest impact possible…
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Remember, friend… this isn’t just about OUR race.
If we let the radical left take Texas, they’ll take the presidency AND the
Senate majority too.
With their majority in hand, they’ll eliminate the filibuster, pack the
courts, and force their radical agenda through Congress with ease.
It all starts with Texas. And that starts with YOU, friend.
We need to get our message out. We need to catch up to MJ’s big spending. Can
I count on you to do your part immediately?
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–John Cornyn
Paid for by Texans for Senator John Cornyn
This email was sent to xxxxxx@gmail.com. With you on board, we’re one
step closer to keeping Texas red and fighting to create a future we can all be
proud of. On behalf of all of us, we’re glad you’re on board. Now that you’re
on Team Cornyn, make sure that you’re keeping up to date with the latest news.
The best way to do so? Following our campaign onFacebook
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<[link removed]> – that way you’ll always be the first to know
when something important comes up. Now, if you’re still reading this, we know
you’re really ready to stand up and protect Texas. To aid your fight, we
suggest you turnthis song <[link removed]> up on
full volume and do anything you can to help stop the dangerous policies being
pedaled by the left to oppose our president and replace our conservative Texas
values. Once you’re pumped up and ready to go, head over to ourvolunteer page
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and find out exactly how you can help. We’d be proud to have you join us.
Thank you for all you do to support John Cornyn for Senate. Don’t want to
receive additional updates? Click here tounsubscribe
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... But we’d rather you stick around. Together, we can protect this great state
we know and love, and promote a safe, prosperous, and healthy Texas.
Contributions to Texans for Senator John Cornyn, Inc. are not tax deductible.