
President Trump says he supports term limits for Congress.  However, this morning he tweeted support for ELIMINATING term limits on committee chairs in the House.

Please email President Trump immediately by clicking here.  Tell the President to keep his campaign promise to drain the swamp by supporting congressional term limits.

To email the White House, just click the link above.  You can automatically send the message I've written for you, or change it.  It's simple.

And it is very, very urgent that you let the White House know how you feel about term limits.

Send your email now, and please forward this email to everyone you know.

The professional politicians have apparently gotten to Donald Trump.  

They hate term limits.  They've seen how successful our movement has been in educating voters in primaries. 

Term limits supporters are winning everywhere our grassroots voter education teams have worked.

So, they've convinced President Trump that allowing committee chairmen to serve in their powerful posts FOREVER, is a good idea.

It's not.  It makes Congress even "swampier".

That's why your email is so important.  

Term limits is a bipartisan issue.  It's one of the few true government reforms that a huge majority of Americans agree with.  

Tell President Trump to keep his promise.

Send your email now.  And ask everyone you know to do the same.

It only takes seconds to make your voice heard!


Phil Blumel



U.S. Term Limits
3270 Suntree Blvd, Suite 200  | Melbourne, Florida 32940
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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