
The Senate is back in session this week, and we’ve got a number of important things on the agenda.

Right now, at the top of my list is ending this disastrous trade war that President Trump has gotten us into.

As the only working farmer in the Senate, I know firsthand just how tough things are for farmers already. This trade war is just making things worse.

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I spent the last few weeks home in Montana, working the farm and traveling around the state to hear from folks directly about what’s on their mind.

One thing is clear: folks are worried about what could happen if this trade war gets worse and there’s no market for our agricultural products.

Farmers are getting hit pretty hard right now, they deserve better from Washington.

I’m going to do everything in my power to look out for the regular folks getting left behind by this ridiculous trade war, but I need you with me.

Add your name right now if you support ending Trump’s disastrous trade war >>

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Thanks for adding your voice,

— Jon