Biggs for
NRA Endorses Congressman Andy Biggs

Today, Congressman Andy Biggs announced the National Rifle Association's (NRA) endorsement of his re-election to serve Arizona's Fifth Congressional District. Congressman Biggs and NRA Political Victory Fund Chairman Jason Ouimet released the following statements:

"The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is clear on the right of Americans to own and carry a firearm. That right, which is not given but is protected by the Constitution, is just as important today as it was 230 years ago. Months of unrest and uncertainty around the nation have led 5 million Americans to make first-time firearms purchases this year alone. I will continue to protect the right of Americans to defend themselves and their families and am grateful for the NRA's endorsement." – Congressman Andy Biggs

"As a vital member of the House Judiciary Committee, Andy Biggs fights tirelessly to protect and defend the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Arizonans. On behalf of our 5 million members across America, the NRA is proud to endorse Congressman Andy Biggs for the U.S. House." – Jason Ouimet, NRA-PVF Chairman


Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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