You're invited to participate in our new podcast!

Reply to this email to have your question featured in the next Book Club Podcast with Steve Sailer!

And in case you haven't done so already...
Dear ,

I hope you will be the first to participate in our new podcast with Steve Sailer! On Friday, October 16th, James Kirkpatrick will host Steve Sailer to discuss your questions about his book America's Half-Blood Prince: "Barack Obama's Story of Race and Inheritance". Simply reply to this email to ask your question!

With November's election right around the corner, voters on the left and the right are homing in on Kamala Harris. The radical left is suspicious of her years as a prosecutor, and the right is disturbed by her pandering to Black Lives Matter. "They're not gonna let up, and they should not. And we should not" she told Stephen Colbert in August. But the Book Club wants to know: Why is it that barely-black political figures (Shaun King, AOC, etc.) are so radical?

For Obama, as Steve Sailer elaborates America's Half-Blood Prince (x describes it as a Sailer-esque review of Obama's own memoir), he faces a Crisis of Blackness. Can we expect any different from Kamala Harris? What do you think?

We hope to hear from you!
In case you missed it...
Did you know all book club members have access to prior archived content? Check out July's podcast where host James Kirkpatrick hosts John Derbyshire to discuss Conservatism Inc. Finished America's Half-Blood Prince already? Skim through questions for Our Borders, Ourselves!
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