Here’s what things are looking like from the road. //


It’s my first day on the road with Jagmeet – and I’ve been reflecting a lot on everything that’s led me here.

Jagmeet was the one who showed me there’s a different way to do politics – one that always puts people at the centre of what we do and the choices we make.

We're about to embark on a campaign unlike any that Canadians have seen before. Our opponents may have big war chests thanks to their wealthy friends, but we’re already feeling the kind of grassroots energy that New Democrats are known for. And to make the most of that energy from the moment the writ drops, we need to hit our critical $100,000 goal by Thursday at midnight. Will you chip in $3 to help?

Chip in!

Jagmeet is someone who never stops fighting. Even when people want to count him out – when they said he couldn’t win his seat or lead a major political party – he keeps going. Because it’s people that he’s fighting for.

This campaign is no different. Jagmeet is in it for all of us – to put a stop to decades of Liberal and Conservative governments that keep helping the wealthiest people and corporations while things get harder for the rest of us.

Now we need to come together and make sure every Canadian knows why Jagmeet is different. Chip in now to help us hit our critical target so we have the resources to do it.




Nader Mohamed
Digital Director
Canada’s NDP


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
