Dear Ward 8 Residents,
The 2020 Census will conclude on OCTOBER 31st, unless additional appeals are filed by the US Government. Should this date be extended, we will update residents accordingly.
As of September 30th, DC's self-response data indicated that only 63.3% of District households have completed their 2020 census form. Ward 8's self-response data shows that only 50.1% of households have completed their census.
Fifteen thousand DC residents still have not been counted in the #2020Census. That equals $1.3 billion in funding for schools, housing, health care, and other programs that help us thrive. Complete the census today online at or by phone at 844-330-2020.
I hope you all will continue to promote the census through October 31st. The District's future and recovery from COVID-19 depends on it.
Be well and be safe,

Trayon White, Sr.
Councilmember, Ward 8