John --

As we now are just a few short weeks from Election Day, I wanted to share our campaign’s re-election message. Click here or below to watch.

It has truly been my honor to represent you in Washington, to be your voice, and to work for the people of the 9th Congressional District. During my time in office, I have worked to support President Trump’s America First Agenda, to advance federal legislation that is always in the interests of Pennsylvania and to communicate and be accessible to you in a highly effective manner. One of the ways we have done so is by recapping our activities and the latest news in our Weekly Update emails.

While this Congress had great opportunities to improve our nation for the people; time after time, Speaker Pelosi has put politics over people.

During this Congress, Congressional Democrats refused to secure our borders and forced a shutdown of our federal government, failed to lower prescription drug prices, failed to stop the practice of surprise billing, failed to offer an infrastructure bill that could be put into law, delayed by almost a year the passing of the USMCA (costing the creation of thousands of new jobs) and Nancy Pelosi’s Congress impeached our President with no credible evidence or due process.

The upcoming election is about people, leadership and our future. It is critical that we win back control of U.S. House and re-elect President Donald Trump.

I humbly ask for your support for re-election. Working together, we will Make America Great Again…Again.

Thank you,


Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 11512, Harrisburg, PA 17108, United States
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