How does public policy impact inequities in health and well-being?
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Policies for Aciton
Call for Proposals
The COVID-19 pandemic has shed new light on our country’s existing health disparities. And as we continue responding to the national awakening on systemic racism and its role in anti-Black violence, decisionmakers at federal, state, and local levels will need to renew their focus on public policy and how it affects communities of color.

Although there have been countless studies examining the adverse outcomes of structural racism, an evidence base exploring how public policy can help decrease racial inequities in health and well-being in the United States is still needed. An understanding of how, and how well, policies work to help eliminate these disparities is critical to building a culture of health. Through a new call for proposals, Policies for Action will fund research that addresses the impacts of federal, state, or local policies on historically marginalized and racialized groups.

Approximately $2 million in funding is available for this opportunity, and all proposed research studies must include a plan to translate findings into actionable evidence demonstrating policy impact on racial equity and racial justice.

An informational webinar for applicants will be held on October 21, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. (EDT). Join for an overview and an opportunity to ask questions.

Letters of intent must be submitted by November 24, 2020.

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Policies for Action is a signature program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation administered by the Urban Institute

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