In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
A Leytonstone GP who performed an illegal circumcision has been fined £4,000 after a four-week-old baby was admitted to hospital following the procedure.
A DUP councillor has been criticised by his own party after he supported a murdered Ulster Volunteer Force member who described Catholics as "fenian scum" and said they should be incinerated.
Avon and Somerset Police have applied to the High Court for an injunction against a Christian preacher, arguing his behaviour could cause "significant risk or harm to others".
Mike Haines, brother of aid worker David who was beheaded by Islamic State in 2014, has said online grooming is getting worse since the start of lockdown.
Recent games distributed across UK include ones that show Muslims being stabbed and decapitated, Jews being gunned down in a synagogue and black people being shot.
The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has approved a growth plan in Edinburgh, amid fears the Kirk's annual income could fall by an estimated £20 million this year.
The lawyer who defended Cardinal George Pell against charges of molesting choirboys has demanded a full investigation into allegations that Vatican money was used to secure his conviction in an effort to stop him exposing its corrupt finances.
In this era of increasing diversity and the breaking of long-rigid political-demographic barriers, there is no self-identifying atheist in national politics.
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