From Muthoni Wambu Kraal <[email protected]>
Subject DNC Updates and Events [October 5, 2020]...
Date October 6, 2020 3:11 AM
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Dear Partners and Allies-

There are just 29 days until Election Day, and amazingly
more than 3 million votes ([link removed]) have already been cast.

We echo Vice President Biden in our gratitude for the president’s recovery. The news of President Trump's illness was not a matter of politics. It was a bracing reminder for all of us that we must take this virus seriously and the science of fighting this disease seriously if we are going to save lives.

President Trump told the American people not to be scared of COVID, but there’s still a lot to be concerned about. 210,000 Americans have died. We have 4% of the population and 20% of the deaths.

Experts say universal masking could save 100,000 lives in the next 100 days. Vice President Biden backed a mandate months ago, and he called on President Trump to back one today.

Meanwhile, voters in more than half of the states in the country are already voting, including in Iowa, Maine, and Nebraska, which started early voting today.

Voters are also continuing to use ([link removed]) as a reliable resource for information on voting. In fact, its highest traffic day was after last week’s presidential debate. This tool is a one-stop shop for people to check their registration status, register to vote, and make a plan to vote.

Democrats are out-registering Republicans across the country, including in
key battleground states ([link removed]) like Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Tens of millions of voters ([link removed]) have requested mail-in ballots — with Democrats far in the lead. Democrats haverequested and returned nearly half of ballots ([link removed]) , while Republicans have requested and returned only a third. In battleground states, includingFlorida ([link removed]) , Democrats have requested nearlytwice as many ballots ([link removed]) as Republicans. Voters in nearly a dozen states are already voting in person, with huge turnout.
Virginia voters arebreaking records ([link removed]) for early vote, with “massive turnout ([link removed]) .” Minnesota voters cast apotential record ([link removed]) number of ballots on the first day of early voting. I hope that the news around voting keeps you encouraged and that you’ll help share it far and wide.

The Biden campaign has launched the biggest voter protection program in history: thousands of staff on the ground and poll watchers throughout the states to ensure every eligible voter can vote. They are also running a very successful volunteer program to plug people into their “Late Help” program in battleground states across the country. Volunteers have the option of signing up for a four-week period, a 10-day period, or for the final GOTV push and will fill a variety of roles. If you have staff you want to release for GOTV or you’re interested in volunteering with the campaign, please consider signing up
here ([link removed]) .

29 days — let’s give it everything we’ve got and then go back for more.

Yours in the Fight,


In this Update:
* Vice Presidential Debate
* Chair Tom Perez and CHC Bus Tour
* Download the Vote Joe App
* Campaign, Volunteer, and Phone Banking Opportunities
* Vice President Biden: Updates
* DNC Statements and Press Releases
* Upcoming Event


Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Pence are currently scheduled to hold an in-person debate ([link removed]) this Wednesday. In order to ensure the safety of the candidates, the two will be seated 12 feet apart during the event. I will share updates on resources for the debate on Wednesday.
* Date: Wednesday, October 7
* Location: The University of Utah in Salt Lake City, UT
* Time: 9-10:30 p.m. ET
* Moderator: Susan Page, Washington bureau chief, USA Today


The “Voy a Votar” virtual bus tour was targeted towards battleground states with DNC Chair Tom Perez and members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus serving as anchor surrogates to each event.

Through a partnership with celebrities, national surrogates, local groups, local elected and state teams, the bus tour stop hosted events focused on highlighting the Biden vision and agenda for the Latino community: pulling individuals into the relational organizing program, driving voter registration / early vote education / urging voters to make a plan to vote, and planning and generating earned media.

The tour ran from September 16th, kicking off in Miami, FL, through October 4th, finishing in Arizona.

Key Highlights:

17 States: FL, NC, PA, GA, VA, OH, MI, WI, MN, IA, NE, TX, NM, CO, CA, AZ, NV
18 Stops

CO: The event was streamed on the radio, the station reported 3700 views online, over 100,000 listeners on the radio. The campaign garnered nearly 200 signups on Mobilize.

NV: Los Tigres del Norte made their campaign debut with a video for the NV stop

AZ: Showcased 2 latino owned businesses; one in Phoenix and one in Tucson

CA: Had a taco showcase; each surrogate brought tacos from their favorite LA taco shop.

Celebrity Surrogates: Cristela Alonzo, Jonathan Del Arco, John Leguizamo, Rita Moreno

Many of the stops were live-streamed to Chair Perez' Facebook page.

Chair Perez and CHC/BOLD PAC members conducted spanish and english language press interviews in the states ahead of every stop.


Get out the vote to friends and family by downloading the Vote Joe app ([link removed]) . Through the app you can reach out to your community and provide key voting resources. Please encourage those within your networks to download the app to receive reliable voting information from the Biden campaign.


Full-Time Paid Positions

2020 Victory is seeking Regional Get Out the Vote Directors to help battleground states implement GOTV and Early Vote programming. You can read the job description and apply here ([link removed]) . Ideal candidates are available to start ASAP and live in their state.

Check out pages for the
DNC Coordinated Campaign ([link removed]) and Biden for President ([link removed]) for additional job openings.

Volunteer Late Help
If you have campaign experience and are able to take some time off of work, the Biden campaign is in need of both long-term (4 weeks, starting October 5) and short-term (4 or 10 days) late help. Late help will plug into various roles in states - helping with trainings, operations needs, and supporting various departments as needed by the state.

Sign up
here ([link removed]) to indicate your interest in being placed; the campaign will begin reaching out to determine assignments soon.

Join the Call Crew
If you’re not able to join for a stretch of time but want to help the campaign, you can make calls or send texts from home. Join the
call crew ([link removed]) or text team ([link removed]) , and find more opportunities at the Biden for President Action Center ([link removed]) . Please share these links with friends and family!

Voter Protection Phone Banking Opportunities
We still need thousands more voter protection team members ready to help ensure eligible voters can cast a ballot. There are only a few weeks left to recruit the additional help we need. Join us for a phone bank to help with this effort! This work is critical to electing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot!

National Voter Assistance Hotline! ([link removed]) (833-DEM-VOTE)
* Who: 2020 Victory Voter Protection
* When: Now! We have shifts every day!
* What is the work: Help us elect Joe Biden and Democrats up and down the ballot by staffing the national voter protection hotline, answer questions from voters around the country and help people exercise their right to vote!
* Why is it urgent: Voting has started in many states and more people than ever are calling our hotline with questions about how to request their ballot in the mail or navigate in person voting this fall. This work is critical to electing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot!
* Length of Commitment: A shift is typically 3 hours.

Voter Protection Attorneys
Poll Worker Opportunities/Volunteering on the ground: DNC ([link removed]) and BFP ([link removed]) may have in-person opportunities for attorneys to assist with election efforts on the ground.

DNC Disability Council and Voter Protection
The DNC Disability Council and Voter Protection program are partnering to expand the accessibility focus of our Election Protection Plans. We are actively recruiting volunteer lawyers, law students and disability advocates (non-attorneys) to join the team. We also need people who are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Prospective volunteers can sign up
here ([link removed]) .

* Team Biden Campaign Disability Coalition Weekly Phone Bank Action 7:00pm-9:00pm ET every Wednesday. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Veterans Military Families and Friends 4:30 to 6:00pm EST every Monday through November 2. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Women for Biden Weekly Phone Bank- Women across the United States come together to phone bank for Vice President Joe Biden! This phone bank includes a short training at the beginning of the event. Every Tuesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Women for Biden: Millennials & Gen Z Weekly phone bank-Join young women from across the country every Wednesday night at 8pm ET for a virtual phone bank to help elect Joe Biden. Training will be provided every Wednesday at the start of the call. Every Wednesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Texas Muslim Phonebanking for Biden. Every Tuesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed])
* National AAPIs for Biden Weekly Call & AAPIs Assemble! Join Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) for Biden every Wednesday through Election Day, as we come together--or Assemble! to hear from leaders and surrogates from the AAPI community during our National AAPI Program at 7:00 PM ET/ 4:00 PM PT. Every Wednesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Boricuas con Biden (Florida Phone bank). Join Boricuas with Biden to remove Trump from the White House one call at a time. Every Thursday and Friday from 6 - 8 p.m. (ET) we will be making calls to Puerto Rican homes in Florida to speak with our community and invite them to register, vote by mail, and support Joe Biden as our next President.. For more information, please contact Roberto J. Nava ([email protected]) or write to any of our Boricua con Biden social media groups. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Spanish-language voter contact events (Phone banks, text banks). Join various Spanish language events across the US, including phone banks, text banks, house parties and planning meetings with Latino communities. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Latino Victory & Todos con Biden Bilingual Phone Bank hosted by Joe Biden for President. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Dominicanos con Biden Bilingual Phone Bank hosted by Joe Biden for President. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Venezolanos con Biden: Haz Llamadas a Florida! Virtual Phone Bank. Join the Venezolanos con Biden team every Saturday from 2-4pm ET and make phone calls to voters in South Florida to support Joe Biden and all Democrats on the ballot. In this online event we will provide phone banking training and then we'll start making calls! We will have a facilitator to answer any questions for the duration of the phone bank. We will make calls into South Florida to Spanish and English speaking voters. Every vote counts and every call made brings us closer to victory in November. Volunteer with us and help us create change! Every Saturday at 2pm ET. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Texas Latino Voter Registration Assistance Virtual Community Event Hosted by the Texas Democratic Party with the help of amazing volunteers that want to see the poder of Latinos grow, we will be hosting Texas Voter Registration Office Hours (Horas de Oficina Asesoría para Registro de Votantes) in English and Español. If you have voter registration questions, please feel free to join this meeting at a time that is convenient for you. We have English and Spanish speakers available between 6:00pm – 8:00pm and we are ready to help. Register here ([link removed]) .

* Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden were in Florida today. Vice President Biden visited the Little Haiti Cultural Center in Miami, Florida followed by remarks in Little Havana in Miami, Florida on building back the economy better for the Hispanic community and working families. Dr. Jill Biden also attended a Women for Biden drive-in rally in Boca Raton, Florida. This evening, Vice President Biden participated in an NBC News town hall in Miami, Florida.
* Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden embarked on the “Build Back Better Express” train tour to travel across eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania— areas that went to Trump in 2016. Vice President Biden and Dr. Biden launched the tour in Cleveland, Ohio where he gave remarks on what’s at stake in this election, how Donald Trump has failed working families, and what Biden will do as President to rebuild the middle class. You can watch full remarksHERE ([link removed]) .
* Doug Emhoff traveled to Virginia during early voting. He visited an early voting location in Henrico County with former Governor Terry McAuliffe and Virginia House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn, and then attended a Jewish Americans for Biden meet and greet with Filler-Corn and other Virginians. Mr. Emhoff then visited an Alexandria early voting location with Governor McAuliffe and Congressman Don Beyer (VA-08), and wrapped up the day with a visit to La Cocina with Latino small business leaders.
* After the Presidential debate, Vice President Biden and Dr. Jill Biden embarked on a “Build Back Better Express” train tour to travel across Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. Vice President Biden highlighted how he will build our economy back better for working families, not the super wealthy and corporations.
* Senator Kamala Harris delivered a powerful speech on honoring Justice Ginsburg’s legacy and what President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee means for the future of health care, reproductive freedom, labor rights, voting rights and preserving the morals of this nation. Some toplines below. You can watch the full remarksHERE ([link removed]) .
* Dr. Jill Biden traveled to Michigan. She began her day touring a farm in Central Lake to hear about how climate change is impacting farmers. After, she was joined by Chasten Buttigieg at a voter mobilization event in Traverse City where she encouraged voters to vote early.
* Doug Emhoff spent a virtual day in Maine to help kick off Biden for President Maine’s seniors and healthcare week of action. Emhoff engaged in a roundtable discussion with Maine seniors, energized and engaged with voter protection volunteers, and delivered remarks to supporters at a drive-in watch party ahead of the first general election debate with Vice President Joe Biden.
* Vice President Biden delivered remarks on what President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee means for American’s future, rights, livelihood and their access to affordable and quality health care. Biden urged Americans to vote and let their Senators know that they want to be heard before the Senate votes to confirm a new Justice. And he also urged every Senator to take a step back and do what is right for the country. You can watch his full remarksHERE ([link removed]) .
* Dr. Jill Biden traveled to Madison and Waukesha, Wisconsin. In Madison, Biden participated in a “Get Out the Vote” event as ballots continue to be mailed to voters across the state and discussed the numerous ways Wisconsinites can cast their ballot this year, including by mail, at a drop box location, early in-person, or in-person on election day. In Waukesha, she gave remarks on Vice President Biden’s Build Back Better plan to help Wisconsin’s economy recover from the pandemic and discussed his proposals to lower health care costs and protect coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.


New DNC Ad in Philadelphia Provides Step-By-Step Instructions for Voters To Return Mail Ballots
The DNC today is launching a new broadcast ad in Philadelphia showing voters step-by-step instructions on how to properly return their mail ballot, including using the required secrecy envelope. The ad, ‘Secrecy Envelope ([link removed]) ,’ is launching as part of a joint voter education campaign with Biden for President Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and other groups.

DNC on September Jobs Report
After the U.S. Department of Labor released the latest jobs and unemployment numbers, DNC Chair and former Labor Secretary Tom Perez issued the following statement:

“Job growth has slowed, millions remain out of work, and small businesses continue to close. American workers are still suffering under this economy and cannot endure this crisis any longer. We need leaders who will lift up workers, give them the relief they deserve, put an end to this pandemic, and build back better.”DNC Chair on the Anniversary of the Las Vegas Shooting

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement on the anniversary of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, the deadliest mass shooting in American history:

“Three years ago, America woke to the horror of the deadliest mass shooting in our nation’s history. Today, we honor the lives we lost in Las Vegas; we grieve for the families and communities across the country that have been shattered by senseless gun violence; and we recommit ourselves to ending these tragedies once and for all. Make no mistake: The pain we feel today is not inevitable. It is the price of inaction. It is the result of the craven deal Republican leaders make when they put the interests of the gun lobby ahead of the lives of their own constituents. While Trump and his allies have stonewalled any attempt at progress, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have laid out sensible policies to stop the carnage in our communities. As we mourn those we’ve lost, we must continue to push for legislation to end gun violence and elect leaders who will stand up to the NRA.”

Thousands Of Layoffs As Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response Continues to Hurt Economy
More evidence continues to make it clear that the economic recovery is not a “super V” as Trump claims. Several companies have announced tens of thousands of layoffs ([link removed]) of American workers as Trump fails to get the pandemic under control and continues to hold up a deal on economic relief.

* Join us tomorrow at 7pm ET for an Arab American LGBTQA+ Rally for Biden- the first event of its kind ever in a presidential campaign! This historic event will feature Congressman Mark Pocan, along with Arab American leaders, including Ellie Saleeba, Co-Host to the Queer Arabs Podcast; Ahmed Shihab-Eldine, Webby Award Winner and Freelance Journalist; and Jim Zogby, Executive Director of the Arab American Institute, followed by a celebrity appearance by Josie Totah, Disney Actress! Register here ([link removed]) .

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