
Tonight, Adam took on his far-right, Trump-loving, COVID-denying opponent in a debate. It was...something, alright. 

While Adam talked about priorities like addressing the COVID-19 crisis, passing universal healthcare, building our economy and communities back better, and expanding and protecting voting rights to fight back against voter disenfranchisement, this is what his extreme opponent had to say:

“Mr Schiff acts like he’s a gentleman — he’s not. They want to kill every republican out there… Figuratively.”

“I’m starting to wonder if they have ulterior motives to keep us locked down.”

“This guy’s got Trump derangement syndrome on steroids.”

“I saw Schiff lying to all Americans and couldn’t take it anymore.”

“We are literally living in a state where a governor has taken over our lives. We need guns to protect us from a tyrannical government.”

“My opponent has been a failure. He talks like he’s morally superior to all of us. He’s lied to us for three straight years. He tried to take our votes. He’s actually morally inferior.”

“[Schiff] belongs in a locked room in the swamp dreaming up hoaxes.”

The truth is, Adam’s opponent sounds unhinged, but that was exactly the idea. And we can guarantee that the people watching him on Trump's favorite far-right propaganda channel, OANN, like what they heard and will reward him with more campaign donations on top of the $3 million he has already raised.

As Adam said in his closing statement, we already have one Donald Trump, and the vast majority of the country wants to vote him out. The last thing we want is another Donald Trump in Congress, and that’s what we’ll get if Adam’s opponent wins.

We’re now four weeks out from Election Day. Show Adam (and his outrageous opponent) that the people stand with him: pitch in $10 or more to support our grassroots campaign to re-elect Adam, hold the Democratic House majority, and vote Trump out next month.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

— Team Schiff