October 5, 2020

Monday Nature Mystery

We are pleased to announce the winner of last week's Monday Nature Mystery, Houda Karra!

We had some great guesses! Houda Karra was the first to post the correct answer: Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata). According to All About Birds: This long-distance athlete weighs less than half an ounce yet makes the longest overwater journey of any songbird – nearly 1,800 miles nonstop over the Atlantic Ocean to its wintering grounds. In the fall, this black-and-white warbler molts into yellow-green plumage and loses its black cap, but those bright yellow legs are a good clue to aid in identification! 

Each Monday we’ll post a new photo and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag. Here is this week’s mystery photo:

Be sure to post your answers on our Facebook page @AudubonVA under the Monday Mystery post...do not reply to this email with your guess!

Photo: NARGS

Do you know what plant this is? Post your guess (please list both common name and Latin name) on our Facebook page @AudubonVA under Monday Nature Mystery. 

Good luck!

-Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

PS: Bird walks are back with limited spots available! Check out our calendar for dates and more information.

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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia · 11100 Wildlife Center Drive · Ste. 100 · Reston, VA 20190 · USA