Join Cory in defending the ACA

Team —

Republicans in Congress have tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act more than 70 times.

With Democrats like Cory fighting back and stopping Republicans from succeeding, the ACA is still the law of the land — but that could change just days after the November election.

The Trump Administration is suing to repeal our health care law — which has given health care coverage to tens of millions of Americans and protections for those with pre-existing conditions — and the case will be heard by the Supreme Court starting on November 10, just one week from Election Day.

Now, in the middle of a pandemic that’s left almost 210,000 Americans dead and more than 7.4 million ill, the GOP could succeed in repealing our care. We simply can’t let them.

Health care coverage for millions is on the line, team. Will you join Cory in defending our care and demanding Congress do everything in their power to protect the Affordable Care Act?


Republicans’ fight to repeal Americans’ health care has always been cruel, but it’s all the more so dangerous as we continue to face this public health crisis. Lives are on the line, and it’s up to us to let those in power know either they support the ACA, or we’ll vote them out this November.

— Team Booker