
If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to make the biggest impact in this election, the time is now. With just 29 days to go in this election, every dollar you give will go straight to turning out the votes our candidates need to win in their competitive races across the country.

Please rush a contribution right now of $5, $10, or whatever you can afford right now to help our endorsed candidates in these critical last weeks of the election.


A few months ago, taking back the Senate didn’t seem possible. And to be honest, beating Donald Trump looked like an uphill battle.

But Democrats are surging right now and we have a great shot at flipping the Senate, expanding our majority in the House, and sending Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.

Please rush a contribution right now to Serve America to make sure we have the resources to do everything we can in the home stretch and win BIG in November.

Thank you,

Serve America