Do you agree with Bernie?
As our country suffers from high unemployment and a COVID-19 death toll approaching 210,000, the Senate GOP continues to deny Americans much-needed relief. Instead, they are trying to rush through a Supreme Court nominee who will take away protections for people with preexisting conditions in the middle of a raging pandemic. John, Bernie Sanders is demanding that the Senate stop blocking relief as workers suffer, and Trump continues to pretend to be an economic populist while only caring about big corporations and the ultra-wealthy. Do you agree with Bernie?
Do you agree with Bernie?
Even as he deals with a positive diagnosis, President Trump and his enablers in the Senate continue to block COVID-19 relief. We need to fight hard to elect more progressives to the Senate so people, not corporations, are put first. John, as a valued part of Our Revolution, we want to know if you stand with Bernie Sanders in demanding better for American workers. Click here to let us know! In solidarity, The whole team at Our Revolution 