This new peer-reviewed article is a big deal for the mainstreaming of ID.

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October 5, 2020
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Despite Darwinists’ Cancel Culture, Intelligent Design Has a Breakthrough

The Journal of Theoretical Biology published a major peer-reviewed article on fine-tuning in biology that favorably discusses intelligent design. Darwinists succeeded in obtaining a “disclaimer” from the journal’s editors, but that meant the article survived peer-review and was accepted for publication despite open hostility from the journal’s editors!

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Darwinism as Hegelian Dialectics Applied to Biology

Many of us in the intelligent design movement have a sense of déjà vu when we watch the nightly news — censorship and intolerance of intellectual diversity have taken over our public square. ID folks know well what it’s like to be on the receiving end of anti-intellectualism and censorship.

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Arguments of Intelligent Design Theorists Get Hearing in Mainstream Scientific Journal

The paper is math-heavy, discussing statistical models of making inferences, but it is also groundbreaking for this crucial reason: it considers and proposes intelligent design as a viable explanation for the origin of “fine-tuning” in biology. This is a major breakthrough for science, but also for freedom of speech.

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Free Speech and Intelligent Design’s Warning

The censors came for us first, and no one protested. Now they’re coming for you. Indeed, they are coming for Charles Darwin himself. ID the Future host Robert Crowther and David Klinghoffer talked about this on a new episode of the podcast. As Rob observes, the phrase we used for anti-ID censorship, before “cancel culture” offered itself, was “expelled.”

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Cancel Darwin? No, But Do Recognize How Evolution Boosted Racism

Plans are afoot, as I suppose was inevitable, to cancel Charles Darwin, whose famed statue adorns the Natural History Museum in London. Canceling history is never the solution. Nor is canceling science, however burdened with weaknesses.

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Online Event Launching Michael Behe’s Latest Book — A Mousetrap for Darwin
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