
One reason why Carolyn decided to run for Congress is because she sees how Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler has been bought by corporate donors.

Instead of fighting for the people of Washington’s 3rd district, Herrera Beutler is fighting for the corporate PACs who’ve poured over $1.6 million into her campaign — Carolyn believes we deserve better.

That’s why this week, Carolyn released her anti-corruption plan, which aims to end the outsized influence of big money in politics and close the revolving door between lobbying and government work.

To clean up our government, Carolyn proposes we ban corporate PAC donations to political candidates, pass a Constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and end super PACs for good, pass the DISCLOSE Act to identify dark money donors, and institute a lifetime ban on members of Congress from lobbying.

These are the kinds of bold actions we need to make our government truly work for us, but with Herrera Beutler in the pocket of corporate PACs and lobbyists, she’ll never support these efforts as long as she’s in office.

It’s just another crucial reason why it’s time we replace Herrera Beutler with a true fighter for the people of Southwest Washington. And today, we have just 29 more days to go to get out the vote for Carolyn and spread the word about our people-powered campaign.

WIll you pitch in $10, $25, or whatever you can afford today to support this grassroots campaign to elect Carolyn Long to Congress on November 3?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Carolyn Long will go through immediately:

Carolyn has a plan to clean up Washington D.C. and start making it work for the people of Washington’s 3rd district. We just have to get her there!

— Team Long