This week’s call to action is actually the beginning of a Super Call to Action – we are asking you to take one or two small actions every day for the next two weeks – to fight for our 2nd Amendment rights and promote the Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rally, and more.
Note that particular action items may change based on what Congress does or other circumstances that arise, so be sure to check our This Week page every day for the next two weeks for updates!
Will you commit to taking part in our Super Call to Action for the next two weeks? Remember, when we show up, we win, so let’s keep showing up and winning!
Monday, September 9th Action Item #1 ![]() Make sure you’ve RSVP’d for the rally, check out the possible hotels, and book your travel and accommodation.
Action Item #2 Mark your calendar for September 12th! Thursday, 9/12, we are holding an online premier of the Tea Party movie! The 100-minute film was selected for the Library of Congress when it was submitted for copyright in 2009. It had been sitting in a vault in Virginia, but we’re bringing it out of the vault!
The film follows the struggles of five grassroots individuals and their transformation from hometown rally goers and grassroots organizers to national activists in the September 12 march on Washington D.C. The film also reveals what is at the heart of this nationwide surge of civic engagement – a return to and respect for a “constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility and fiscal responsibility.”
Don’t miss out on this major event on September 12th at 7PM on and Tea Party Patriots Facebook and YouTube!
Be ready to share your memories from that day; find photos and think of a story you want to share. We will retweet as many as we can on 9/12!
Tuesday, September 10th Action Item Call your Representative and tell them to oppose all efforts to impost gun control on the American people because the House Judiciary Committee, under the “leadership” of Socialist Jerry Nadler, will be marking up gun control bills and we must let every member know that America rejects any and all gun control! Remember to use our Say NO to “Red Flag” Laws How-To Guide to help with talking points about red flag laws.
Wednesday, September 11th Action Item #1 Commemorate 9/11 so that we Never Forget!
Action Item #2 Call your Representative and tell them to oppose the corrupt, illegitimate efforts to impeach President Trump! Again, the House Judiciary Committee plan to vote as early as Wednesday on a resolution to formalize the Democrats’ impeachment “investigation.” Make sure your Representative hears from you and understands Americans DO NOT AGREE with Democrats: NO IMPEACHMENT!
Thursday, September 12th Action Item Join us to watch Tea Party movie live at 7PM on and Tea Party Patriots Facebook and YouTube!
Upload or repost your photos from the 912 March on DC, and be sure to tag @jennybethm and use #teaparty10. Create a short video to upload and and them to us at [email protected] or text your photos to (404) 996-1717.
Friday, September 13th Action Item Invite 5 people to come to the Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rally. Tell them to go to to find out more!
Saturday, September 14th Action Item Donate to help us put on the Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rally happening in five days, and write a letter to leave with your Congressman and Senators while you are in DC about stopping socialism. If you aren’t going to DC, you can still take the letter to a local office or email it on Thursday, at the same time as the rally.
Next week, we will send another set of daily action items, leading up to the climactic finish of our DC rally on Thursday, September 19th. As always, if you have any questions about any of these action items, feel free to reply to this email and let me know.
Thank you!!
In liberty,
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2019 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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