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Common Dreams

News & Views | 10/5/20


President Donald Trump exits Marine One at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on October 2, 2020 in Bethesda, Maryland.

by Andrea Germanos, staff writer
"That message, coming from THE PRESIDENT, is going to influence so many people and lead to so many more unnecessary deaths."


exxon sign

by Jessica Corbett, staff writer
"To no one's surprise, Exxon is continuing to drive catastrophic climate change by putting profits before people and our planet."

Agricultural laborers pick lemons inside the orchards of Samag Services, Inc., in Mesa, California on March 27, 2020. (Photo: Brent Stirton/Getty Images)

by Jessica Corbett, staff writer
Given how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted people in "essential" industries and their high uninsured rates, the Public Citizen report says "the argument for Medicare for All has never been stronger."

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"The Republican leadership has truly lost touch with reality if it's contemplating marching Covid-stricken members to the Senate to rush through a Supreme Court nominee who could strip healthcare from 20 million Americans."

#WePaidMore than Trump

by Andrea Germanos, staff writer
"Donald Trump's taxes are the clearest example of how broken and corrupt our tax system truly is," says Tax March executive director Maura Quint.

A view of the White House in Washington, D.C. on October 2, 2020 after President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for Covid-19. (Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

by Kenny Stancil, staff writer
"This borders on reckless in terms of exposing people, not just in New Jersey, but it looks like for folks around the country, who are now scattered by the way," said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
McEnany, like other members of the Trump administration who have contracted Covid-19 in recent days, has repeatedly refused to wear a mask when speaking to the press and interacting with others.

Schumer McConnell

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
"Every. Single. Democratic. Senator. Needs to be ready to vote to deny Mitch McConnell adjournment tomorrow, unless that adjournment takes Barrett off the table."

Trump Walter Reed

by Jake Johnson, staff writer
Dr. James Phillips condemned the "completely unnecessary presidential 'drive-by'" as "political theater" that endangered the health of everyone who was forced to take part.

CodePink activists Maggie Huntington and Toby Blomé unfurl a banner and block traffic during an anti-drone protest at Creech Air Force Base in Clark County, Nevada on October 2, 2020 (Photo: Codepink)

by Brett Wilkins, staff writer
One CodePink protester said she hopes the week-long protest "will teach the soldiers that they must take control of and understand the consequences of their actions."

This working oil derrick is a unique feature of the Oklahoma State Capitol. (Photo: duggar11/Flickr cc)

by Brett Wilkins, staff writer
"We must fight back against this underhanded ruling," said one Indigenous leader. "In the courts, on the frontlines and in the international courts, life itself is at stake."

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Pence embodies the political alliance of very conservative evangelical forces with anti-regulatory forces of corporatism. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

by Norman Solomon
The case of Mike Pence should be an ongoing urgent reminder that—as toxic and truly evil as Donald Trump is—the current president is a product and poisonous symptom of an inherently unjust and anti-democratic status quo.

Can you imagine if Biden had contracted Covid rather than Trump? (Photo: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

by Robert Reich
It even takes our mind off the major reason Covid is out of control in America: because Trump blew it.

His urge is visibly not just to be an autocrat, but to commit mass murder nationwide and on a planetary scale deep into the future. (Photo: Getty)

by Tom Engelhardt
Murder, he said, and murder it was, and Fifth Avenue was the least of it.

The IMF leadership, and almost all of the 189 member countries — including U.S. allies such as Germany and Canada — are ready to allocate the aid that Congress is considering.(Photo: AFP/Getty Images)

by Mark Weisbrot
Right now, legislation has already passed the House of Representatives that would do just that.

US President Donald Trump and Democratic Presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden exchange arguments during the first presidential debate at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, on September 29, 2020. (Photo: Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

by John Buell
The vast majority of viewers think the Commission on Presidential Debates is some sort of government agency, established by Congress. Instead, it is a nonprofit 501c3 corporation sponsored by corporate and foundation support.

by Jamie Hartmann-Boyce
Trump has a number of risk factors that increase the chance of mortality with the disease. But the president’s wealth may be the best medicine he has.

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