Team Rashid wanted to make sure you didn't miss this message from Andrew Yang last week. Our event is TOMORROW. Sign up today. More details below... 

Hey team,

We talk a lot about firsts in this country - but rarely talk about what that really means.

Whether it’s being the ‘First fill-in-the-blank Candidate’ or First fill-in-the-blank Superhero’, being the first means you had to beat the odds and break conventions in a space that wasn’t designed for you.

The great thing about our country is that it makes firsts possible. Right now, we need more firsts.

We need new, innovative ideas to build a vision for the future that fosters greater opportunities for all of us. To get us there, we need leaders who care more about setting good ideas in motion for us than about spending a lifetime as a career politician.

Qasim exhibits the traits we so desperately need in Congress — and that’s why our friend Kumail Nanjiani and I are excited to hang out with him on Tuesday.

We want you to be there to talk about how leaders like Qasim can shape a better future for us:

Hang with History Makers

Date: Oct 6
Time: 7:45 - 9:00p


The thing about making history is that you never sign up to do the work with that goal in mind. People with good intentions like Qasim go into public service to make a difference and do their jobs well for the people who are counting on them.

Qasim has the potential to make history on November 3rd with our help, but I endorsed him because I know he doesn’t care about that.

I’m fighting for Qasim because he’s already thinking about what happens on November 4th and beyond.

Join us and let’s talk about how we can protect voting rights right now and after Election Day — with Kumail in the room we’ll probably have a few laughs too.

See you soon,

Andrew Yang


Qasim Rashid is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated his life to supporting women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and to serving children from vulnerable communities. Qasim is running to transform his advocacy into results for the working families of Virginia’s 1st District.

Qasim aspires for a campaign built on transparency and trust, and is putting in the work to connect with voters districtwide. Together, you and Qasim, can make Virginia an even better place to call home.
Contribute now.



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