John -- Six months ago Trump appointed my opponent to his COVID19 Economic Recovery Task Force. And a fat lot of good it’s done us here in West Virginia.
Whatever Shelley is doing on Trump’s task force, it’s not bringing jobs back to our state.
Just look at this chart from the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy.

Unemployment was already a crisis in West Virginia before COVID19. We’ve lost tens of thousands of jobs since the pandemic began, and now 60% of West Virginians are facing eviction.
In the face of all this, Shelley has the nerve to call Donald Trump “a leader on COVID”?
If this is what she calls leadership, I think we can do a hell of a lot better. Chip in now to help me flip this Senate seat and send Shelley packin’.
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When I’m elected you won’t find me handing out goodie bags to billionaires while regular folks go hungry, get sick, and lose their homes. Stand with me and help me take this fight to Washington.
Paula Jean
Paula Jean Swearengin is a coal miner’s daughter and granddaughter, and the Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate in West Virginia. Paula supports Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, cancelling student debt and ensuring a livable wage for all Americans. Learn more about Paula in the award-winning documentary Knock Down the House, on YouTube. Please support this people-powered campaign to flip a U.S. Senate seat in November.