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Monday, October 5, 2020
Health Affairs September 2020



The October edition of Health Affairs is a theme issue on children’s health. As articles in the issue show, the US lags behind other developed countries in key indicators of child health and well-being. Studies in the issue provide a road map for future improvement.

The October issue was supported by Nemours, Blue Shield of California Foundation, Children’s Hospital Association, the Episcopal Health Foundation, and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.

Read the October 2020 table of contents.

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Mask Mandates: A Public Health Framework For Enforcement
By Rebekah Gee and Vin Gupta

With uncertainty regarding an effective vaccine and no clear therapeutic for COVID-19 in the pipeline, broad cooperation in masking is urgently needed. With little time to waste, the time for a strategic and informed enforcement strategy has come. Leveraging what’s worked in the past is critical, as several existing public health policies have a strong enforcement mechanism already in place. Read More >>

Beyond Survival To Transformation: Investing In Safety-Net Innovation To Address The Impacts Of COVID-19

By Urmimala Sarkar and Alice Hm Chen

With appropriate federal investment and regulation, innovations spurred by the pandemic can be adopted by safety-net systems and tailored to the needs of specific vulnerable groups. Without it, those communities that bear the greatest burden of COVID-19-related disease will only fall further behind. Read More >>


CSR Litigation, New Non-ACA Plan Decision
By Katie Keith

This post summarizes insurers’ requests for a rehearing in their pursuit of full unpaid cost-sharing reduction payments and a district court decision to sanction yet another alternative to Affordable Care Act coverage. Read More >>

A CLOSER LOOKNursing Home Regulation

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted significant flaws in nursing home infrastructure and regulation. As the pandemic persists, the pressure to fix this system has grown. How can policy makers create a productive conversation to produce results for more than 1.5 million nursing home residents? Reread David G. Stevenson's 2018 blog entry for strategic suggestions.

Health Affairs October issue
About Health Affairs

Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

Copyright © Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Health Affairs, 7500 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 600, Bethesda, MD 20814, United States

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