Dear John,
Your inbox is probably flooded with news about President Trump’s COVID-19 case — so we’ll keep it short. Even as we would never wish this virus on anyone, we can’t help but see the news that broke this weekend as anything other than this: Donald Trump’s hypocrisy and recklessness on full display. He has ridiculed Biden for wearing a mask, held indoor campaign rallies, and, perhaps worst of all, repeatedly downplayed the seriousness of this virus. Just yesterday, he endangered the lives of his Secret Service workers because he needed to be driven around to see his fans outside of the hospital. We have to vote him out. There are lots of options to join a phonebank through our partner organizations, so scroll through this list and find the event that fits your schedule. With weeks left in the campaign, there are still too many people discouraged or confused about the voting process. We need to reach them soon to give them the information and encouragement they need to vote. So with less than a month to go, we are dialing up our efforts into actually speaking to voters by phone. If you’ve never tried phone banking and you’re a little uncomfortable — don’t worry. These groups have made it easy. You are given a voter’s name and number, and a script of what to say. Who knows, your conversation with someone could be enough to empower them to vote. The great news is that when they vote — we win! We need you. Don’t stop fighting. RSVP today to join a phonebank. Onward, Nora Winsler Want to support our work? Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation. Did you receive this email from a friend? Click to sign up for updates. View this email in your web browser CCAN Action Fund is the grassroots arm of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. The mission of the CCAN Action Fund is to effect change in public policy at local, state and national levels to directly address the threat of global warming. Through voter education, lobbying and participation in the electoral process, we seek to move our country into a leadership position on the most urgent global issue of our time — the climate crisis. Update your contact information | Update your email subscriptions You can also unsubscribe at any time.