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MDAA Alert:
Implementation to Defend the United States from Missiles Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace
September 9, 2019
President Donald Trump speaking at the release of the 2019 MDR at the Pentagon on
January 17, 2019.
Dear Members and Friends,
Eight months ago, President Donald Trump - the Commander in Chief - put forward
his plan and vision for his administration with Congress to deliver to the American
public a safer and more secure America and world from missile proliferation. At
the release of the Missile Defense Review (MDR) in January, President Trump stated,
"Our goal is simple: to ensure that we can detect and destroy any missile launched
against the United States - anywhere, anytime, anyplace."
Since January, China and Russia have significantly expanded their missile stockpiles
and made advances in hypersonics. Russia has tested a nuclear-powered cruise missile
- codenamed Skyfall by the NATO - and the Russian Army has conducted drills practicing
the stealth deployment of medium-range nuclear capable Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad.
With its glider technology and nuclear capability, China's hypersonic DF-17 medium-range
missile threatens regional stability by strengthening China's Anti-Access/Area Denial
(A2/AD) capabilities in the island chains and combined with expansionist claims
in the South China Sea. Russia and China for the first time since the Korean War
are conducting joint air patrols in the Asian-Pacific region using long range aircraft.
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that are armed with over the horizon long distance cruise missiles. Russia is testing
its Submarine launching capabilities (Use CM testing and rewrite the sentence) U.S.
bases in the Indo-Pacific are exposed to Chinese and North Korean missiles. North
Korea has recently tested missiles that are more capable and can better target South
Korea and Japan - encompassing eight American bases housing 30,000 troops. Despite
a recently failed launch, Iran has improved the capabilities of its ballistic missiles
and both anti-ship and land-attack cruise missiles for a 360 degree demonstrated
missile capability to target U.S. assets in the Middle East, as well as Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) armed with air-to-ground missiles that it also transfers
to allies, including Hezbollah, Houthi rebels, and Shi'ite militias for use in Syria,
Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen as testing grounds against U.S. targets.
Where is the United States of America in achieving the goal of detecting and destroying
any missile launched against the United States from anywhere, anytime and anyplace?
With a little over a year left before the 2020 U.S Presidential election, we objectively
assess what has been achieved by President Trump in his stated vision that is United
States National Policy and in the MDR which is to implement the President's policy.
These are President Trump's listed six policies, approved by the National Security
Council, in his speech at the Pentagon on January 17 and their current status.
Green - Has been accomplished/significant progress is being made
Yellow - Some progress has been made
Red - No progress/has not been accomplished
First, we will prioritize the defense of the American people above all else.
The Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system for the defense against Intercontinental
Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) of the United States remains at high state of readiness
and has exercised alert functions for real world launches over the last month. The
GMD system was successfully tested in a real world scenario on March 25, 2019, that
was overseen and certified by the DOD's Department of Operational Test and Evaluation
(DOT&E). The intercept test was the first salvo launch of two different generation
interceptors, which leveraged and fused data from multiple sensors in multiple domains
to prove out high reliability and high confidence to be able to intercept limited
numbers of North Korean ICBMs that could target the United States homeland.
n(Yellow) New radars and sensors to immediately detect foreign missiles launched
against our great nation.
* The Long-Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR), in development and planned prior to
the Trump Administration, at Clear AFB, Alaska is on track to reach initial fielding
in 2020 and operational fielding by U.S. Air Force Airmen and National Guard in
* The two Homeland Defense Radars (HDR), entered planning and development under
the Trump Administration, will be smaller versions of the LRDR located in Hawaii
and an undisclosed location in the Pacific. The HDR-Hawaii radar is expected to
start construction in FY 2021 and initial fielding in FY 2023. The HDR-Pacific
radar is expected to be fielded in 2026.
n(Red) Our review calls for 20 new Ground Based Interceptors (GBI) at Ft. Greely,
Missile Field 4 in Fort Greely, Alaska to base 20 additional GBIS in silos is in
construction, under cost, and ahead of schedule. The recent cancellation of the
Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV) has delayed the deployment of 20 additional GBIs
which were planned to be tipped with the RKV and deployed as early as 2025. It is
currently unknown when the 20 additional "next generation" GBIs will be fielded
as industry proposals for the project are just now moving forward. Speculation is
a ten year development process with the first operational deployment around 2030.
Second, we will focus on developing new technology, not just investing more money
into existing systems.
n(Yellow) The United States cannot simply build more of the same, or make only incremental
* Developing a next generation GBI
* Developing a hit-to-kill, extended-range, air-to-air boost-phase interceptor (BPI)
* Developing hypersonic missile defense interceptors. MDA is working with the Army
and Navy as they develop an offensive hypersonic capability to research and study
how to defend against hypersonic weapons.
n(Yellow) We must pursue the advanced technology and research to guarantee that
the United States is always several steps ahead of those who would do us harm.
* Several studies, which have been completed, in the MDR for space-based intercept
layer, defense against hypersonic threats, and expanding or modernizing existing
* Continued funding in the Missile Defense Agency's budget for directed energy maturation.
However, using directed energy for missile defense has been researched and sought
for decades now.
* Neutral Particle Beam demonstrator for a Space-Based Directed Energy intercept
layer demonstration has been cancelled.
* Highly classified Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and industry
development projects.
Third, we will protect the American people from all types [ballistic, cruise, and
hypersonic] of missile attacks.
n(Yellow) The U.S. will now adjust its posture to also defend against any missile
strikes, including cruise and hypersonic missiles.
* Joint Emergent Operational Need (JEON) request by the U.S. Forces Korea Command
will result in the integration of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD)
and Patriot missile defense systems. Will allow Patriot missile defense systems
to engage-on-remote from TPY-2 radars.
* Recent THAAD test this past week showed engage-on-remote capability.
* Recent test of Patriot Advance Capability-3 (PAC-3) interceptor to engage a cruise
missile using remote sensors through the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle
Command System (IBCS).
* Studies to integrate F-35 aircraft for overhead sensor coverage and also as a
potential to launch interceptors for homeland and regional defense.
* U.S. Army purchase of Iron Dome batteries for an interim short-range air defense
(SHORAD) capability. However, the Army has not developed a credible cruise missile
defense capability.
* Development to extend the range of the SM-6 missile.
n(Yellow) Defense against hypersonic missiles and glide vehicles
An initial $75 million was requested by MDA in FY2018. Funding in FY2020 request
has grown to $157.4 million.
n(Red) Examine technologies and concepts that could be used to expand defensive
surveillance capability to the rest of North America
Fourth, we will recognize that space is a new warfighting domain, with the Space
Force leading the way.
n(Green) Create a Space Command and Space Force
On Thursday August 29, 2019, President Trump authorized the creation of U.S.
Space Command. A new Space Force requires authorization from Congress.
n(Red) My upcoming budget will invest in a space-based missile defense layer.
FY 2020 request included funding for a Neutral Particle Beam to conduct a
feasibility demonstration for a Space-Based Directed Energy intercept layer.
However, this Neutral Particle Beam program has been cancelled.
n(Red) Invest in a space-based sensor layer
Moved funding from MDA to new Space-Development Agency. Funding for
architecture overall, which MDA has been studying already for years. There is
bipartisan support in Congress for the deployment of a space-based discrimination
sensor layer in low Earth Orbit (LEO) and medium Earth orbit (MEO)
constellation in the near future. A space-based discrimination layer will provide
birth-to-death tracking for cruise, ballistic and hypersonic missiles.
Fifth, we will remove bureaucratic obstacles to dramatically speed up the acquisition
and deployment of the new technology.
n(Green) Separates the Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
into two Under Secretary positions, one for Acquisition and Sustainment and one
for Research and Engineering.
n(Yellow) Streamline and refine the acquisition authorities used to develop, test,
and field missile defenses while ensuring rigorous testing.
Cancelation of RKV and rapid development of next generation interceptor for
deployment in 2030 timeframe.
And sixth, we will insist on fair burden sharing with our allies.
n(Green) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members, Gulf Coalition Council
(GCC) members, Japan, and South Korea are sharing the responsibility for defense
against missile attacks.
n(Green) Direct the DoD to prioritize the sale of American missile defense technology
to our allies and partners.
n(Green) The Trump administration has approved 49 proposed FMS to 25 countries/organizations
for a total of $65.511 billion - more than three times the comparable period during
the Obama administration - including the blocked $15 billion Terminal High Altitude
Area Defense sale to Saudi Arabia and the $10.5 billion Integrated Air and Missile
Defense Battle Command System-enabled Patriot Configuration-3+ sale to Poland.
n(Yellow) Some allies have been increasing defense spending that has included air
and missile defense capabilities. But there is still more progress to be made.
These are the Department of Defense's implementation of President Trumps policy
statements above in the formation of the 2019 MDR (spell it out). The MDR is a guidance
document for the prioritization of the MDA's FY 2021 - FY 2025 Future Year Defense
Program (FYDP) projections to implement the national defense policy on missile defense
laid out by President Trump in his speech at the MDR release in January.
The Missile Defense Review stated these priorities and objectives:
Deploy additional land- and sea-based missile defense systems
n(Yellow) This objective is being partially fulfilled. One Aegis ship, the USS Paul
Ignatius, has been commissioned since the MDR was published. No new purchases of
Patriot or THAAD systems. Additional interceptors for Aegis, Patriot, and THAAD
have been purchased. Additional 20 GBIs have been delayed to allow for the development
of a next generation GBI for deployment in 2030 timeframe.
Integrate regional missile defenses with attack operations
n(Green) This objective is being fulfilled. There has been some progress on offense/defense
integration since the MDR's reveal.
Tailor our regional missile defenses to support the security of our allies and partners.
n(Green) This objective is being fulfilled. International live fire exercises with
partners have been conducted to ensure interoperability. THAAD deployments to Israel
and Romania, and additional Patriot deployments to the Middle East. The JEON in
Korea and cooperation with GCC members for a 360 degree defense capability.
Continue to streamline and refine the current flexible acquisition authorities used
to develop, test, and field missile defenses while ensuring rigorous testing.
n(Yellow)This objective is being partially fulfilled. No new systems have been developed,
tested, or fielded since the MDR's publishing. The RKV program has been canceled
to allow for the development of a next generation GBI. Space Development Agency
(SDA) established with intent for faster acquisition of space capabilities, but
outcome is still to be determined.
n(Yellow) The Army has not developed a credible cruise missile defense capability
to provide defense for key logistical hubs and for the maneuvering unit. Only the
National Capital Region (NCR) and Aegis ships have a credible cruise missile defense
Strengthen regional missile defense architectures in Indo-Pacific, Europe, and the
Middle East and encourage allies and partners to share more widely the responsibility
for our common defense against missile attacks.
n(Yellow) This objective is being partially fulfilled. Several arms sales purchases,
such as Saudi Arabia acquiring THAAD, have been announced. Again, THAAD deployments
to Israel and Romania, and additional Patriot deployments to Middle East. Increased
focus on defense of Guam. Expanding U.S. and Japan cooperation on the jointly developed
SM-3 Block IIA interceptor.
Field interoperable missile defenses and integrate them where feasible with allied
and partner missile defenses to enhance the effectiveness of our defenses against
ballistic and cruise missile attacks.
n(Green) This objective is being fulfilled. Temporary deployments of THAAD to Romania
and Israel, along with more permanent deployments to the Middle East, Indo-Pacific,
and European theaters have bolstered defenses. Test of Israel's Arrow-3 using TPY-2
radar in Alaska. Further development and increased integration of lower layer missile
defense systems into Command and Control, Battle Management, and Communications
Increase capacity of GMD system and homeland defense.
n(Yellow) This objective is being partially fulfilled. It is uncertain when the
additional ground-based interceptors for GMD will be deployed after the cancelation
of the RKV and the start to develop a next generation GBI. RKV program was terminated
and development of a next generation GBI has been started, but speed of relevancy
is an issue. SM-3 Block IIA will be tested against an ICBM target in 2020 to prove
out its ability to be an underlayer to current GMD capacity. Development of a boost-phase
intercept (BPI) layer would also increase defense capacity for both homeland and
regional defense.
Increase capability of GMD system
n(Green) This objective is being fulfilled. The redesigned kill vehicle (RKV) program
was terminated on August 22nd. Process will be started on the development of a next
generation GBI.
Field a Space-Based Kill Assessment capability
n(Green) This objective is being fulfilled. The SKA is still in the experimental
phase and has not been operationally deployed. In FY 2020 MDA "will focus on steps
necessary to potentially add the SKA system to the operational BMDS."
Deploy a new missile tracking and discrimination sensors in Alaska, Hawaii, and
the Pacific region.
n(Green) This objective is being fulfilled. LRDR construction continues in Alaska
with initial fielding in 2020 and operational fielding in 2023. Plans for two Homeland
Defense Radars (HDR), which will be smaller versions of the LRDR, located in Hawaii
and an undisclosed location in the Pacific. The HDR-Hawaii radar is expected to
start construction in FY2021 and initial fielding in FY2023. The HDR-Pacific radar
is expected to be fielded in 2026.
Bolster the National Capital Region's defenses against cruise missiles
n(Yellow) This objective is being partially fulfilled. Homeland cruise missile defense
(HLD-CMD) is forthcoming.
Improve and adapt existing missile defense systems
n(Red) This objective has not been fulfilled. No significant progress has been made
at adapting current capabilities for emerging threats.
Make significant progress on pursuing new missile defense capabilities
n(Yellow) This objective is being partially fulfilled. Funding has prioritized
increasing capacity of current system and not towards development of new systems.
Plans to develop a next generation GBI has been announced. A new air-to-air kinetic
interceptor for boost-phase intercept. MDA is developing operational prototypes
for Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS). The Space Development
Agency (SDA) is going to build out the architecture.
Improve U.S. early warning system to combat against advanced threats
n(Yellow) This objective is being partially fulfilled. Sensor systems for emerging
threats have not been developed, especially in regard to the hypersonic threat.
We are making significant progress in accomplishing the challenging task of defending
our nation against ballistic and cruise missile threats. President Trump and Vice
President Mike Pence have personally guided the development and designation of a
Combatant Command for Space and they are continuing to aggressively drive the evolution
of the SDA and for a Space Force. The President remains consistent in his demand
for allied burden sharing and increased defense spending. Secretary of Defense
Mark Esper is challenging and addressing the great power and strategic threats to
our country as articulated in the National Defense Strategy. Under Secretary of
Defense for Research and Engineering, Mike Griffin, is leading with courage by canceling
the RKV and striving to be more efficient, more technically capable, and to accelerate
the acquisition process. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, John Rood, is leading
with the implementation of the MDR and improving it. MDA Director, Vice Admiral
Jon Hill, is driving technical solutions to complex missile defense challenges.
The success of the President's National Security Policy on missile defense and the
Secretary of Defense's MDR is not measured simply by examining spending levels or
about ensuring we spend more money on missile defense, but rather it is about ensuring
that we spend the right money, focused in the right way, looking for efficiency
and effectiveness across the domains, services, and with our allies.
An honest assessment of our missile defense efforts must conclude that despite a
number of successes, there remains inconsistent progress in achieving technical
solutions and in integrating our missile defense forces; and in missile defense
you are only as strong as your weakest link. To have credible missile defense,
the reds need to move to yellow, and the yellows to green.
Riki Ellison
Chairman and Founder
Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
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MDAA is a non-profit, non-partisan tax-exempt 501(c) (4) organization. Our mission
is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile
defense systems to defend the United States and its allies against missile threats.
We are a membership-funded organization that does not advocate on behalf of any
specific system, technology, architecture or entity. Founded in 2002, MDAA is the
only organization in existence whose primary mission is to recruit, organize, and
mobilize proponents to advocate for the critical need of missile defense. Visit
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for more information.
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