Applications open October 14
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** World Justice Challenge 2021
Applications Open October 14
The World Justice Challenge 2021: Advancing the Rule of Law in a Time of Crisis ([link removed]) is a global competition to identify, recognize, and promote good practices and high-impact projects and policies to protect and advance areas of the rule of law most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic strikes in the midst of a global rule of law crisis in which respect for key principles of good governance has been eroding in many countries for a number of years. These twin crises of public health and rule of law ([link removed]) make this pandemic particularly dangerous. Identifying and promoting good practices and promising approaches are essential to addressing the crisis' underlying governance challenges, supporting an effective recovery process, and building back better rule of law based societies.
The World Justice Challenge 2021: Advancing the Rule of Law in a Time of Crisis competition invites submissions that offer solutions that address four aspects of the rule of law directly affected by the pandemic:
* Access to Justice for All
* Accountable Governance
* Anti-Corruption and Open Government
* Fundamental Rights and Non-Discrimination
Cash awards will go to projects in these four areas that show demonstrable results and promising prospects for future progress, replication, and scaling. Applications open on October 14—stay tuned to our email list and social media channels for the latest announcements.
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Program photos courtesy of 2019 World Justice Challenge winners "Riverine People and the Right to Full Reparation" (left) and "160 Girls Access to Justice Project" (right). Learn more about these projects at ([link removed]) .
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