Hi John, 

On Friday, I was unexpectedly arrested at the California State Capitol building during a peaceful protest where we called on Governor Newsom to pass a moratorium on new factory farms and slaughterhouses in the state. Some of us were held in custody for 20 hours for simply using our First Amendment right. Now, we need more voices and more pressure on Governor Newsom to address animal agriculture. Will you help?

Use these simple instructions to call Governor Newsom today and demand an immediate moratorium on new factory farms and slaughterhouses in California!

In jail, we were cold, hungry, and treated like we weren't people. That's what the prison system does -- it turns people into property of the state. In that way, it's a lot like the animal agriculture industry. The good news is we can fight both these industries together.

Let me know if you call Gavin so I can thank you!


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