Dear John
Communist Party USA | Radical Ideas. Real Politics.


Dear John


Record heat waves and floods inundating the Midwest. Hurricane Dorian decimating the Bahamas. Fires consuming the Amazon Rain Forest, parts of sub-Saharan Africa, and Alaska. Tens of thousands of climate refugees.


Join the Climate Strike on September 20!


Every day brings new warnings of the planetary emergency from climate change and other ecological crises. It’s undeniable that climate crisis is already impacting all of us, our communities, and workplaces.


Last year, the IPCC issued a report that drastic action must occur before 2030 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change – we have to act now! And alarm and concern are growing! Millions are acting to save the Earth.


On September 20, millions of young people all over the world will walk out of school for the Climate Strike. If you are a high school or university student, find an event near you here or host an action here.


Youth and students will be joined by tens of thousands of allies. As an ally, you can help in many ways


On September 21, young leaders from around the world are convening a Youth Climate Action Summit under the auspices of the United Nations. A UN Climate Action Summit with heads of state will follow on September 23.


Throughout the week of September 20-27 the Global Climate Strike is organizing protests, teach-ins, and people’s assemblies to involve millions around the world. Sign up here to be connected to actions near you or information to assist you in initiating an action if none exists.


The introduction of the Green New Deal (GND) has reshaped the discussion on how to solve the climate crisis. The GND is a set of goals and timetables that meets the scale of the crisis on nature’s timeline, not ours.


The climate justice movement and fight for the GND is affecting everything, including how the climate crisis is being discussed in the 2020 elections. On September 4, Democratic candidates participated in the first ever Presidential Climate Town Hall. The forum was the result of a demand by the Sunrise Movement and other young activists. Addressing the climate crisis will spur voter turnout in 2020.


We encourage you to participate in these actions in every way you can. Here is some additional information:


Marc Brodine, CPUSA leader, environmental justice activist, and author will lead a series of discussions on a Green Strategy for building a winning global movement to address the climate crisis. The online discussions will be Oct. 20 and 27. Registration is here.


Labor Network for Sustainability


Sierra Club


Workers to Join Student Climate Strikes September 20-27


A poll by YouGov Blue shows broad support for the Green New Deal from union members.


Follow developments in the People’s World and at or on Facebook and Twitter. We want to hear what you’re doing so we can share it with everyone. Email me at [email protected]




Rossana Cambron, CPUSA co-chair

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