From Chairman Allen West <[email protected]>
Subject Chairman West's Monday Message for 10.05.20
Date October 5, 2020 11:55 AM
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Black Gold, Texas Tea . . . Energy Independence

Black Gold, Texas Tea . . . Energy Independence

Perhaps I am dating myself, but we should all remember the theme song from
"The Beverly Hillbillies."


"Come and listen to the story about a man named Jed, a poor mountaineer who
barely kept his family fed. And then one day he was shooting at some food, and
up through the ground came a-bubbling crude. Oil, that is, black gold, Texas


Here in Texas, the bubbling crude came forth from a place fondly referred to
as Spindletop, and the rest is history. Texas is now renowned as being the
central point of the oil and gas industry of America. From West Texas, the
Permian Basin, to East Texas, down to the refineries and export facilities
spanning from Houston to Beaumont, Texas is a global leader in the energy


Oil and gas production in Texas has led the U.S. into an era of energy
independence. As a matter of fact, the largest exporter of liquified natural
gas (LNG) in the world is Port Arthur, Texas. 


The U.S. now produces more than we consume, therefore our country cannot be
held hostage by unfriendly nations, including the Middle East, Venezuela, nor
Russia. Not only does America's energy security have a profound effect on our
economic security, but it is vital to our national security.  Therefore, any
political policy that harms the oil and gas industry puts our national security
at risk.


That is exactly what the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden ticket means for Texas, and
the United States. Biden may have stated that he does not support the Green New
Deal, but his own website begs to differ.


Harris, well, we all know she is an avowed progressive socialist and supports
the folly of a delusional bartender from the Bronx named Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez. We should not be surprised, at all, if the young and deranged
Ocasio-Cortez were to become our new Secretary of Energy under a Harris-Biden
administration. Talk about detrimental to our oil and gas industry! The Green
New Deal calls for the decimation of the oil and gas industry in America in 10


Oil and gas production, transportation, refining, and manufacturing are the
primary economic drivers in our state.  The oil and gas industry creates wealth
and economic benefits to every Texan through good-paying white- and blue-collar
jobs, and an increased standard of living.  Texas has no state income tax
largely because of the petroleum industry.


Texas has very efficient and affordable power generation systems, mostly due
to its use of clean-burning and reliable natural gas.  Texas also produces the
greatest amount of wind energy in the nation, as well as significant amounts of
solar energy.  The state’s leaders realize that these forms of energy can --
and must -- coexist to provide reliable and affordable energy sources over many
decades to come. However, wind energy cannot be distributed without natural gas
pushing it through the system.


Just consider the abject insanity of California, a state that just last week
mandated all-electric vehicles by 2035, at a time when the "Golden State" is
experiencing rolling electricity blackouts. The great thing about Texas is that
we are on our own energy grid! We do not need to take the failed path of
California in mandating our citizens' use of solar panels on their homes. How
many middle-to-lower income families will be able to afford the leftist elitist
mandates of highly expensive green energy homes and cars?


Oil and gas production supports Texas’ educational system through ad valorem
taxes, payroll taxes, severance taxes, and much more.  Oil and gas revenues
provide for the Permanent University Fund, which supports the flagship
universities of our state. Refineries and chemical plants provide robust tax
bases for many of our school districts. In other words, the oil and gas
industry in Texas has enabled Texans to have better educational opportunities.
Then again, Joe Biden has already stated that is one of the first things he
wants to end, charter schools, which we have here in Texas.


The oil and gas industry in Texas consists of 12,000 businesses that provide
over 320,000 jobs to Texans. One of the world's largest corporations is
headquartered here in Texas, Exxon-Mobil. The Harris-Biden platform contains
initiatives to end the production and use of fossil fuels on federal lands and
waters. a return to the failed Obama-Biden policies.


These two candidates have also indicated a desire to end hydraulic fracturing
in the prolific U.S. shale plays, including those in Texas.  These policies
would result in the loss of approximately 120,000 jobs in Texas by 2022, as
well as a loss of $65 million to Texas state revenues. This is a price too high
to pay given that, per the EPA, the U.S. produces only 15 percent of global
greenhouse gas emissions.


The real drivers of "global warming" or "climate change," -- or whatever the
progressive socialist left is calling it these days -- are China and India, not
the United States. That whole Paris Climate Accord? Well, it was just a huge
socialist dream of global wealth redistribution.


When we see a Harris-Biden yard sign in Texas, it should make one scratch
their head. Who in their right mind would want to see the 10th largest economy
in the world -- and a leader in the global oil and gas industry -- destroyed?
Who in their right mind would want to see America no longer energy independent,
but return to the days of being dictated to by the OPEC nations? Y'all remember
how Saudi Arabia manipulated us during the crisis of the Carter administration.
Venezuela was once one of the most prosperous nations in our western
hemisphere. They possess greater oil reserves than Saudi Arabia. Now, due to
socialist dictators who nationalized their oil and gas industry, Venezuelans
are starving and dying, and their economy has been, and is, devastated.


Texans, we cannot afford to have any progressive socialist electoral victories
in the Lone Star State. That means the White House, Senate, Congressional,
State Senate, and State House cannot be allowed to have any lefitst electoral


The oil and gas industry in Texas, combined with our impeccable, indomitable
entrepreneurial spirit of innovation and ingenuity has made our nation energy
independent, a global leader. We are no longer victims to despots and
dictators. Why would anyone vote for an ideology, a political philosophy, and
policies that would endanger that? It's simple, really: because you're "Stuck
on Stupid."


And, nobody likes stupid.


LTC Allen West (Ret.)
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas



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