Monday, October 5th, 2020

The Prognostic Value of Gold & Silver Charts or Lack There of

Bill Sardi

Sheriffs, Police Officers, Pastors, and Attorneys Are Fighting Covid Orders

Ginny Garner

The Absurdity of Covid ‘Cases’

Jeff Deist

Naked Numerators Paint Deceptive Picture of ‘Pandemic’

Karen Selick

Is the UK Heading Toward Medical Martial Law?


The Corporate Media’s Shameful Ignoring of Riots and Looting

Neil Patel

Why Covid Kids May Grow Up To Be Libertarians

Emma Freire

Cops Are Requesting Data From People’s Smart Speakers at an Alarming Rate

Robert Wheeler

Your Life Under the Green New Deal

Robert W. Felix

We Are Being Lied to! Here’s How…

Spiro Skouras

Goodbye, Cows

Taki Theodoracopulos

Gavin Newsom Beclowns Himself Finding Nonsensical Excuses To Keep California Locked Down

Thomas Lifson

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