There is a brand new food product on the market that literally hits me in the gut.
It’s a product made for young children, filled with the absolute WORST ingredients. It’s manufactured by a large international food corporation who knows better because they don’t use these ingredients in other countries with stricter laws.
I decided it was time to call them out and ask them to change.
That’s why I’ve been quietly working on a petition, and it’s going to launch TOMORROW.
Can you guess which company I’m petitioning and why? Are you excited? Reply to this email and let me know!
I’m sitting here looking at all we’ve accomplished together and am in awe…
We did all of this together and I never could have done it without you. I’m beyond excited to launch a new petition and really hoping to have your support this week. I’ll really need it.
My team and I are putting the final touches on everything and will send details to your email once it’s ready.
I’ll be in touch very soon…
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